- Author
- Suseł Irena
- Title
- Wpływ nowych warunków społeczno-ekonomicznych na procesy adaptacji społeczno-zawodowej
An Influence of a New Social and Economic Conditions on Process of a Social and Professional Adaptation - Source
- Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, 1993, nr 661, s. 299-306
- Issue title
- Finanse. Rynek i konsumpcja. Studia regionalne. Zagrożenia społeczne
- Keyword
- Polityka społeczna państwa, Restrukturyzacja gospodarki, Adaptacja społeczno-zawodowa, Konflikty społeczne, Bezrobocie
State social policy, Economic restructuring, Socially-professional adaptation, Social conflicts, Unemployment - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- W opracowaniu wskazano i scharakteryzowano nowe uwarunkowania społeczno-ekonomiczne polskiej gospodarki i wpływ tych uwarunkowań na przebieg procesu adaptacji społeczno-zawodowej.
An article consists of information on traditional meaning of the social and professional adaptation - with regard to new occurences and processes extending a rank of that problem. An analysis of a course of the social and professional adaptation - at the recent social and economic conditions - demonstrates that the adaptation in the professional environment is faced with difficulties. Those difficulties result from a proprietary transmission, crushing firms, unemployment and from so-called reconstruction of a consciousness of employees. With regard to the fact that Polish economy faces many new problems, there is a necessity of its reconstruction. Results of research providing knowlegne on relation: economic changes - problems of the consciousness of the society, are the most important in opinion of the author of the article. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Bibliography
- Nowak J.: Adaptacja społeczno-zawodowa nowego pracownika. Warszawa 1971.
- Oleksiak H.: Adaptacja młodych pracowników w środowisku pracy. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Śląsk 1974.
- Cited by
- 0324-8445
- Language
- pol