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Daszkiewicz Magdalena
Wykorzystanie badań marketingowych do oceny efektów public relations
The Use of Marketing Research in Public Relations Evaluation
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, 2003, nr 1004, s. 509-513, bibliogr. 4 poz.
Issue title
Badania marketingowe : metody, tendencje, zastosowania
Badania marketingowe, Public relations
Marketing research, Public relations
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zakresu i sposobów wykorzystania badań marketingowych do oceny efektów public relations. W analizie posłużono się modelami public relations zaproponowanymi przez J.E. Gruniga i T.Hunta. Opracowane przez nich modele public relations pokazują nie tylko rozwój koncepcji public relations, ale pozwalają także na określenie, w jaki sposób public relations praktykowane jest obecnie.

The measurement of public relations effects is a complex process, which requires conducting marketing research. Depending on the level of measurement an array of different tools and techniques is needed to evaluate public relations impact. We can observe differences in public relations evaluation in different models of communication. To describe these differences we use four models of public relations proposed by J.E. Grunig and T.Hunt (publicity model, public information model, two-way asymmetrical model and two-way symmetrical model). We also make an attempt to analyse the situation in the field of marketing research used in public relations evaluation on the Polish market. The analysis is carried out on the basis of questionnaire research. (original abstract)
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  1. Dozier D.M., Repper F.C., Evaluation of Public Relations Practices, [w:] Excellence of Public Relations and Communication Management. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Hillsdale 1992.
  2. Grunig J.E., Grunig L.A., Models of public relations and Communication, [w:] Excellence of public relations and communication management. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. 1992.
  3. Grunig J.E., Hunt T., Managing Public Relations. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York 1984.
  4. Lindenmann W., Changing Minds. Using Research to Measure the Effectiveness of Public Relations Programs. „Quirk's Marketing Research" 1997 nr 229 (February),
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