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Wódkowski Arkadiusz
Rozwój badań rynku w Polsce w latach 1989-2003 na podstawie badań PTBRiO dla ESOMAR
Market Research Development in Poland between 1989 and 2003 on the Basis of PTBRiO Research for ESOMAR
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, 2003, nr 1004, s. 42-52, bibliogr. 6 poz.
Issue title
Badania marketingowe : metody, tendencje, zastosowania
Metody badań marketingowych, Badanie rynku, Badania marketingowe
Marketing research methods, Market research, Marketing research
Omówiono dynamikę rynku badań marketingowych w Polsce w latach 1989-2003. Zaprezentowano głównych zleceniodawców badań marketingowych i organizacje branżowe osób zajmujących się profesjonalnym badaniem rynku. Przedstawiono tendencje rozwoju badań marketingowych

Despite recession, the marketing research market is continuously growing in Poland. After the 90s, when the dynamics reached almost 80 per cent annually, we have to do with a growth by approximately 5 per cent. At the same time, analyses show that in Poland more research is being conducted at a comparatively lower cost. The research market is undergoing concentration: 10 largest companies generate over 70% of general turnover. The share on the side of the leader, SMG/KRC, has reached 20 per cent. Companies with foreign capital dominate this market sector. Significant companies that specialise in particular research types or in particular market segments are missing. The full service type agencies predominate. The largest clients are companies that produce the fast moving consumer goods, FMCG (UNILEYER, PROCTER & GAMBLE, NESTLE, KRAFT FOODS POLSKA, RECKITT BENCKISER), electronic media, telecommunication (PTC ERA, PTK Centertel, TPSA, Polkomtel), banking companies (PKO BP S.A. as well as PZU S.A.), producers of pharmaceuticals, advertising agencies as well as other research institutes (foreign orders). A half of research orders are realised by means of ad hoc projects for exclusive use of the client, and the remaining are conducted as part of continuous research (syndicate and omnibus). Within the range of the ad hoc quantitative research, the technique that is used most commonly are the face-to-face measurements, conducted directly at home and in the office of the respondent. It is important to note the double increase of the share of the mystery shopping type of measurements. Three quarters of subjects (firms) in Poland, that order research continuously, notice that the methodological advancement of research is increasing. The clients see that the methods of research presentation as well as the merit level of research offers are improving, but they signalise problems within the range of the communicative presentation of the results. Around the world, in the light of research into processes that take place on the course between the client and research provider, a proposition has been submitted that the clients often "live on the island", deserted from the end users as well as research providers. There is a supposition that they are not understood by the colleagues from their own companies. In Poland, there are two organisations that get researchers together: the Polskie Towarzystwo Badaczy Rynku i Opinii (PTBRiO) [Polish Society for Market and Opinion Researchers] as well as research companies: the Organizacja Firm Badania Opinii i Rynku (OFBOR) [Opinion and Market Research Companies Organisation]. PTBRiO organises Congresses (IV), runs a system of training sessions (the Akademia Badań Rynku) [Market Research Academy] and publishes an annual the Katalog Firm Badawczych [Research Companies Catalogue] (8 issues were published until 2002). The greatest successes of OFBOR: launching the financial audit of the branch of research as well as launching in Poland the Program Kontroli Jakości Prac Ankieterów [Surveyors' Work Quality Control Programme]. The operation of both of these organisations is described on their web sites as well as (original abstract)
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  1. Barlik E., Wódkowski A., Raport o badaniach rynku, Presspublica, Warszawa 1998.
  2. Katalog firm badawczych, red. J. Garlicki, Diagnoza stanu rynku badań marketingowych w Polsce, Brief, Warszawa 2002.
  3. Katalog firm badawczych, red. A. Wódkowski, Badania rynku i opinii w Polsce, Brief, Warszawa 2002.
  4. Katalog firm badawczych, red. J. Garlicki, Rynek badań marketingowych w Polsce, Brief, Warszawa 2003.
  5. Sora A.: Badanie Marco Polo. III Kongres Badaczy Rynku i Opinii (materiały kongresowe).
  6. Wizerunek firm badawczych, Warszawa, PTBRiO/OFBOR 2001 (materiały niepublikowane).
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