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Jaremen Daria E., Nawrocka Elżbieta
Diagnoza wykorzystania środków programu PHARE CBC na obszarze Euroregionu "Nysa"
The Diagnosis of Utilisation of Means from Phare CBC Programme in the "Nysa" Euroregion Area
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, 2003, nr 1000, s. 56-68
Issue title
Turystyka i gospodarka turystyczna w Polsce na tle procesów integracji europejskiej
Program PHARE, Rozwój regionalny, Współpraca regionów przygranicznych
PHARE Programme, Regional development, Region cross-border cooperation
Euroregion Nysa
Euroregion Nysa
Celem niniejszego referatu jest analiza i ocena wykorzystania środków pomocowych w ramach Programu PHARE CBC w latach 1995-2000 na przykładzie polskiej części Euroregionu Nysa.

For more than 10 years Poland has been receiving the non-refundable financial assistance from the European Union, directed towards the Central and Eastern European countries. This assistance is carried out through the means of PHARE Fund. Within its framework there function several sub-programmes, which aim at the support of different areas of social and economic life in countries, which aspire for the accession to the EU. For the border regions the most important one is the Cross-Border Co-operation - CBC programme, which has been functioning in Poland since 1994. It assists, among others, the development of cross border cooperation between the regions which make up the "Nysa" Euroregion. The hereby study presents the analysis and evaluation of the PHARE CBC Programme assistance means utilisation in the years of 1995-2000 on the basis of the Polish part of "Nysa" Euroregion. The results of conducted research lead towards the conclusion that PHARE CBC plays an important role in the social and economic development of the researched region. On the other hand experience gained by "Nysa" Euroregion while applying for means within the framework of the carried out programme allow for making positive future forecast regarding high efficiency and effective-ness of "Nysa" Euroregion in winning the European Union assistance, following Polish joining the EU structures. (original abstract)
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