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Omer M.A.
IMF and the Inflation in Developing Countries
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu. Ekonomia i Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze (5), 1999, nr 805, s. 135-141, bibliogr. 5 poz.
Finanse międzynarodowe
International finance
Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy (MFW)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Podstawową logiką MFW przy wyjaśnianiu fenomenu inflacji w krajach rozwijających się jest wąski monetaryzm, który zakłada, że główną przyczyną ciągłego wzrostu cen jest brak równowagi pomiędzy dostarczanym pieniądzem a wzrostem realnie dostarczanych dóbr i usług. Prowadzi to w końcu do pojawienia się żądanej nadwyżki, która powoduje wzrost cen. MFW ustala czynniki postępowania bazujące na redukcji popytu globalnego i kontroli jego wzrostu.

The main basic logic of the IMF in its explanation of inflation phenomena in developed countries is the narrow monetarism that believes that the main reason for the continuity of price increase is the imbalance between money supply and the growth of real supply of goods and services. Such a thing that lead - in the end - to appearance demand surplus that pushes prices high. Through this narrow monetarism for diagnose of inflation problem in developing countries, the IMF plans the factors of treatment based on reduction of aggregate demand and the control of its growth. That the practical and the gradual dependence on market system in distribution and allocation of resources. We differ with the Found in its general diagnosing of inflation crisis in these countries, that we believe that inflation crisis in these countries, it is the crisis of structure disturbances caused by building of underdeveloped national economy and challenges of development construction specialy in first stages. The crisis is not in the increase of money quantum, but it is the responsible factors that cause such an increase, and the practical application for the economic stabilization program leads to an increase in inflation and that undoubtedly could slow down the wheels of development.(original abstract)
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  1. IMF after 50 years from an institution. International Issues (Political Weekly Report) - IPS. Issue No. 263, Jan. 1995. Islamabad.
  2. The Relation Ship of Inflation with Capitalistic Accumulation in Developing Countries. Refrundom No. 967, Sept. 1988. Institute of National Planning. Cairo.
  3. William G.B.: Evolution of Special Drawing Rights 1974-1981. Financing and Development Magazine, Sept. 1982. International Monetary Fund, Washington.
  4. Zeki R.: Egypt and the Trial of loans of International Monetary Fund. The Magazine of Strategical Arab Thougth, No. 6, 7: Jan. 1983, May 1983.
  5. Zeki R.: Foreign Debts and their Effect on Developing Plans in Arab Countries. Arab Institute for Planning. Kuwait, Dec. 1984.
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