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Idee społeczno-gospodarcze ks. Piotra Ściegiennego
Social and Economic Ideas of Father Piotr Ściegienny
Rzeszowskie Zeszyty Naukowe. Prawo, Ekonomia / Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Filia w Rzeszowie, 1997, T. 22, s. 232-239
Poglądy ekonomiczne, Doktryny ekonomiczne, Gospodarka feudalna, Wieś
Economic views, Economic doctrine, Feudal economy, Village
Ściegienny ks. Piotr
Autor przedstawia postać ks. Piotra Ściegiennego jako wybitnego teoretyka ekonomii. Ks. Ściegienny przedstawił wizję ustroju gospodarczego, która opierała się na reformie własności ziemi, oświaty i pieniądza.

During the period when the market system was shaped on the Polish lands in the 19th c. there wereconcepts which have become very up-to-date in face of the modern transformation processes. Social and economic ideas by Father Ściegienny can be undoubtedly listed among them. They refer to some aspects of the process, especially the basic of the capitalistic system, i,e. liberty and private ownership. In face of hardrules of the market an important role was played by Ściegienny's concept of social and economic mutual assistance as the resort for economically weak units. Ściegienny saw education and good upbringing as the mainspring of progress. It was a programme for 'capitalism with human face'. It linked problems of economics with ethics to meet material and spiritual needs with full respect for dignity of each man.(original abstract)
The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics
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