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Michalik Robert
Istota i zakres strategii reklamy
The Essence and Scope of Advertising Strategies
Zeszyty Naukowe / Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie, 2004, nr 663, s. 157-168, bibliogr. 17 poz.
Reklama, Strategia marketingowa, Strategia reklamy, Marketing-mix
Advertising, Marketing strategy, Advertising strategy, Marketing-mix
W opracowaniu omówiono miejsce reklamy w hierarchii strategii przedsiębiorstwa. Zaprezentowano sposoby jej określania przez różnych autorów. Wyjaśniono pojęcia związane z tą strategią oraz ukazano jej zakres przedmiotowy.

In this paper, the author discusses issues related to advertising Strategies and demonstrates the place of the advertising strategy in the company hierarchy as well as its connections with creative and media Strategies. The paper presents the methods for determining advertising Strategies most often discussed in marketing literature as well as the scope of such Strategies. The author devotes most attention to the various interpretations of strategy (broad, medium, narrow), an issue seldom featured in other publications on advertising. The nature and scope of creative and media Strategies, which are inextricably linked to advertising Strategies, are also explained. Furthermore, the article draws attention to advertising strategy terminology. (original abstract)
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