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Ogrodnik Stefan
Problemy handlowej obsługi wsi i rolnictwa
Problems of Commercial Service of the Rural Area and Agriculture
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio H. Oeconomia, 1997, vol. 31, s. 125-132
Rolnictwo, Wieś, Spółdzielczość rolnicza
Agriculture, Village, Agricultural cooperation
W artykule omówiono stan polskich wsi i rolnictwa w okresie transformacji gospodarki. Przedstawiono zjawiska pozytywne, sprzyjające rozwojowi rolnictwa oraz negatywne, hamujące tempo ekonomicznych przekształceń. Przedstawiono również rolę i zadania spółdzielczości rolniczej.

The problem of commercial service of the country agriculture is related to two processes which are formed on the rural market, namely the processes of purchase of agricultural products which are formed on the rural market and the process of supplying agriculture with industrial means for the agricultural production and with the necessary consumption articles for the households. At present, the situation on the rural market is such that both these processes of commodity turnover include agricultural trade cooperatives of supply and sales and also a number of trade units, mainly private ones. As it usually happens in the situation when many participants try to influence the market at the same time, this influence is incoherent and does no good to the farmers as producers and sellers or to the consumers and buyers. (short original abstract)
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