BazEkon - Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie

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Lackó Maria
Hidden Economy - an Unknown Quantity? Comparative Analysis of Hidden Economies in Transition Countries, 1989-95
The Economics of Transition, 2000, vol. 8, nr 1, s. 117-149
Słowa kluczowe
Gospodarka drugiego obiegu, Kraje postkomunistyczne, Sytuacja gospodarcza
Underground economy, Post-communist countries, Economic situation
Studium poświęcone rozmiarom szarej strefy w krajach postsocjalistycznych. Szacunki udziału szarej strefy w PKB oparto o wskaźnik zużycia prądu przez gospodarstwa domowe w 20 krajach.

The study investigates the size of the hidden economy and related features, in post-socialist countries. After dealing critically with the approach of Kaufmann and Kaliberda, a method based on household electricity consumption is used to estimate the ratio of the hidden economy to the official GDP in 20 countries. Following a uniform growth in the size of the hidden economy in all the countries at the beginning of their transition, stagnation or further increase was experienced in the CIS countries, while an explicit declining tendency could be seen in the remaining economies. Comparisons show that the ratio of the hidden economy in post-socialist countries is significantly larger than in developed market economies. The paper analyses the relationships between the visible private economy, the advancement of reforms, corruption, and the size of the hidden economy.
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