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Szkic-Czech Ewa
Alians i outsourcing jako wysoko zaawansowane metody pozaproduktowego wzrostu konkurencyjności
Alliance and Outsourcing Forms of Non-Product Competition.
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, 2006, nr 1132, s. 237-245, bibliogr. 10 poz.
Tytuł własny numeru
Koncepcje, modele i metody zarządzania informacją i wiedzą
Słowa kluczowe
Konkurencyjność, Łańcuch wartości, Outsourcing, Alianse strategiczne
Competitiveness, Value chain, Outsourcing, Strategic alliances
Zaprezentowano podstawowe podobieństwa i różnice, jakie występują między współpracą podmiotów sprzymierzonych outsourcingowo a współdziałaniem aliantów, mające wspierać wybory i decyzje praktyków gospodarowania oraz stanowiące źródło kształtowania parametrów podjętego rodzaju współdziałania.

Co-authorship of economic processes in targeted and consolidated realization of chains of values done by the independent subjects, constitutes rational current economy and points out their future direction. It shapes a model of an extended company equipped with abilities to react for market needs and global competition. Economic value of associating specific external subjects with creation of chain of values, on the basis of joint responsibility for the economic effect, motivates tendencies of practitioners to introduce an outsourcing model of economic managing and achieving a growth in competitiveness of partners. Attractiveness of the economic alliances is also justified, integrating some complementary sources of competitors in order to increase their competitiveness and attractiveness by realization of common business projects. Benefits resulting from co-operation of companies, especially appreciated by customers, encou-range them to a detailed analysis of separate types of co-operation. Firstly, in spite of some similarities comprising: - membership of a bigger group of non- product competition tools, - analogical target accompanying decisions to undertake a partnership and an image of identity, the kind of co-operation that preffers individual features of a partner, and the way of common managing, is characterized by other conditions and it concerns otherscope and scale of the risk. Analysis of an outsourcing alliance on the basis of similarities and differences give the chance to illustrate the undertaken subject and its importance. It also indicates that differences among different kinds of co-operation do not use up the reasons of practical examination of the concept. Similarities of methods is sometimes deceptive and quite often leads to their identification, can be the reason of disappointment with the co-operation results. This thought seems to be especially useful for practitioners of managing. (original abstract)
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