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Migration Trends in the Eastern-European Countries after the Accession
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 2007, R. 6, nr 3, s. 33-40, bibliogr. 5 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Zatrudnienie cudzoziemców, Migracja ludności, Emigracja zarobkowa, Integracja gospodarcza i polityczna Europy
Employment of foreigners, Population migration, Economic emigration, Economic and political integration of Europe
Węgry, Europa Wschodnia
Hungary, Eastern Europe
W artykule poszukuje się odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: dlaczego Unia Europejska była zaniepokojona swobodnym przepływem osób i nieprzebranej fali migracji zarobkowej z krajów wschodnioeuropejskich, jak liczba wschodnio- i środkowoeuropejskich obywateli zmieniła się oraz jak zmieniła się liczba obcokrajowców na Węgrzech. Odpowiedzi na pytania zostały sformułowane na podstawie doświadczeń z poprzednich rozszerzeń UE, jak również danych UE dotyczących siły roboczej i migracji.

The European Union faces its greatest challenge ok its history at the beginning of the 21st century. Because of the englarment process of new member countries several problems were raised, one of them was the most important, which was the free movement of people. Before the Eastern-Central European countries' englarment, many member countries feared multitudinous migration wave, which lays the Western-Europe and the Eastern-Central-European employees are taking away work of other people. It followed that the member countries of the European Union restricted their labour market that stay clear of prospective multitudinous immigration. At the same time the Eastern-Central--European countries were given the unprecedented chance to introduce reverse limitations on the workforce migrating from EU-15 members by previous englarment's experience. The present paper is looking for the following questions: why the European Union was concerned about the free movement of people; how the number of the Eastern-Central--European citizens changed; how the number of foreign citizens in Hungary changed. The lessons were learnt from previous enlargements as well as workforce data and migration within the EU. (original abstract)
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  1. COM, 2006: Communication from the Commision to the Council, the European Parlament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the committee of the Regions. Report on the Functioning of the Transitional Arrangement set out in the 2003 Accession Treaty, Period 1 May 2004 - 30 April 2006. Brüsszel, 8.2.2006. COM/48, p. 21.
  2. CSERESNYES F., 2005: Migrâciô az ezredfordulôn: A népességmozgâsok târsadalmi és politikai következmenyei Kozép-Eurôpâban. Budapest, Dialog Campus 2005. p. 233.
  3. ILLÉS S., 2004: Foreigners in Hungary: migration from the European Union. Working Papers on Population, Family and Welfare. No. 5. 2004, Hungarian Central Statistics Office, Demographic Research Institute.
  4. LEMAITRE G., 2005: The Comparability of International Migration Statistics. Problems and Prospects. Statistics Brief OECD July 2005. No 9, p. 8.
  5. SALT J., 2006: European Committee on Migration (CDMG). Current Trends in International Migration in Europe. Consultant's Report to the Council of Europe. Strausbourg, 2006. p. 37.
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