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Jánský Jaroslav
The Comparison of Czech and Austrian Agrarian Enterprises after the Accession to the EU
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 2007, R. 6, nr 3, s. 41-48, bibliogr. 6 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Produkcja rolna, Rolnictwo, Przedsiębiorstwo rolne, Wspólna Polityka Rolna, Integracja gospodarcza i polityczna Europy
Agricultural production, Agriculture, Agricultural enterprises, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Economic and political integration of Europe
Republika Czeska, Austria
Czech Republic, Austria
Artykuł oparty jest na konkretnym przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa rolniczego prowadzącego działalność w Czechach oraz przedsiębiorstwa działającego na zbliżonych warunkach w Austrii, w regionie Niederosterreich. Dokonano porównania czeskich i austriackich przedsiębiorstw biorąc pod uwagę wpływ płatności bezpośrednich na ich działalność gospodarczą, który znajduje odzwierciedlenie w sytuacji finansowej tych przedsiębiorstw po wstąpieniu do UE.

The accession of the Czech Republic to the EU is linked with conditions of Common Agriculture Policy and with the system of direct payments. Progressive form of direct payments was set for new member states for time period 2004-2007. These direct payments are as high as 25-30% - 35^-0% of the amount of direct payments in EU-15 and afterwards 10% annual rise with the possibility to increase the payments by additional 30% from the national budgets in every year, however maximally up to 100% of the rates in EU-15. Impacts of direct payments for economics of agrarian enterprises are given by the level of direct payment per hectare of arable land, possibly per livestock unit, or as the case might be according to the number of beef cows, sheep or goats. This mentioned impact is also reflected in financial situation of Czech enterprises after the accession to the EU. The paper deals with the impact of direct payments on particular case of agrarian enterprise farming in the Czech Republic in the comparison with enterprise farming in comparable conditions in Austria, namely in "Niederosterreich" region. (original abstract)
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  1. Jánský J., 2002: Evaluation of financial situation of farms, Agricultural Economics, 11, Vol. 48: 485-489.
  2. Jánský J., 2004: Prediction of financial situation of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic while accessing the EU, Agricultural Economics, 3, Vol. 5: 125-129.
  3. Jánský J., 2004: Hospodareni podnikü zemedelské prvovyroby v obdobi pred vstupem do EU, in: Sbornik prispëvkû z mezinârodni konference "Procès evropské integrace v zemedelstvi - prilezitost mebo hrozba?", Proceedings, TU VSB Ostrava, pp. 47-52.
  4. Zprâva o stavu zemedelstvi CR za roky 2003-2005. MZe CR Praha.
  5. Grüner Bericht 2004. BMLFUW Wien.
  6. Buchführungsergebnisse 2003. BMLFUW Wien.
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