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Straszak-Chandoha Sylwia
Lekarze oraz sposoby leczenia cholery w czasie epidemii w Wielkiej Brytanii w latach 1831-1832
Doctor's and Cholera's Ways of Treatment During the Epidemy in Great Britain 1831-1832
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu. Nauki Humanistyczne (11), 2007, nr 1188, s. 136-156, bibliogr. 33 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Historia, Ochrona zdrowia, Służba zdrowia, Medycyna
History, Health care protection, Health service, Medicine
Wielka Brytania
United Kingdom
Tematem opracowania jest epidemia cholery jaka dotknęła ludność Wielkiej Brytanii w latach 1831-1832. Omówiono różne metody, jakimi środowisko medyczne walczyło z chorobą. Scharakteryzowano środowisko lekarskie tamtego okresu oraz opisano jakie lekarstwa i sposoby leczenia były stosowane do walki z cholerą.

The article presents the medical environment of the 19th century in England, particularly the methods of the treatment of cholera which were known and employed in those times. The main problem with cholera's treatment was the lack of knowledge about the origins of this plague. Without knowledge of causes and ways of proliferation of the disease the attempt at isolating the sick, cleaning and disinfection of premises had to failed. The ways of treatments as well as availability of medicines were not accessible to medical profession of the 19th century England. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
  1. "Cholera Gazette", 28 January 1832.
  2. Christison R., Account of the Arrangements Made by the Edinburgh Board of Health Preparatory to the Arrival of Cholera an that City, vol. 37, 1832.
  3. Cole H., Things for the Surgeon, London 1964.
  4. Condell W., "The Times", 7 March 1832.
  5. Creighton Ch., History of Epidemics in Britain, London 1965.
  6. Durey M., The Return of the Plague: British Society and the Cholera 1831-32, Humanities Press, Dublin 1979.
  7. "Edinburgh Review" 1852, t. 96.
  8. "From St. Anne's Middlesex", 13 February 1832, 1/103.
  9. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, vol. 18-20, 29 January 1828-1830, March 1829.
  10. Haslewood W., Mordey W., The History and Medical Treatment of Cholera as it Appeared in Sunderland in 1831, London 1832.
  11. Kennedy, "The Times", 24 October 1831.
  12. Leigh W., An Authentic Narrative of the Melancholy Occurrences at Bilston, Wolverhampton 1833.
  13. "Medico-Chirurgical Review", 1 April 1831a.
  14. "Medico-Chirurgical Review", 1 October 1831b.
  15. Morris Ch., When Was the Great Plaque? "Historical Journal" 1971, t. 14.
  16. Morris R.J., Cholera 1832, London 1992.
  17. Newman C, The Evolution of Medical Education in the 19th Century, London 1957.
  18. Oxford Board of Health Minute Book, 11 July 1832.
  19. "Poor Man's Advocate", 25 April 1832.
  20. Smith A., "Medico-Chirurgical Review", 1 April 1831a.
  21. Smith A., "Medico-Chirurgical Review", 1 October 1831b.
  22. Smith A., Periscope Section VU, "Medico-Chirurgical Review", 1 October 1831c.
  23. Stasch R., Epidemia cholery azjatyckiej w Poznaniu w 1831 roku, Poznań 1933.
  24. "The Times", 14 December 1831d.
  25. "The Times", 15 December 1831e.
  26. "The Times", 2 December 1831c.
  27. "The Times", 24 October 1831a.
  28. "The Times", 27 January 1832b.
  29. "The Times", 4 September 1832c.
  30. "The Times", 5 January 1832a.
  31. Wakely, "The Lancet", London 1832.
  32. Włodarczyk D., Od powietrza, głodu, ognia i wojny, Inowrocław 1998.
  33. Wohl, Endengered Lives: Public Health in Victorian Britain, London 1983.
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