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Zarzecki Dariusz
Zastosowanie "reguły kciuka" do wyceny przedsiębiorstw
Application of Rules of Thumb to Business Valuation
Studia i Prace Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania / Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2009, nr 12, s. 261-274, tab.
Słowa kluczowe
Wycena przedsiębiorstwa, Metody wyceny przedsiębiorstwa
Enterprise valuation, Business valuation method
W artykule zaprezentowano niektóre rodzaje profesjonalnych praktyk, do których stosuje się pewne praktyczne, zwyczajowe zasady, pozwalające na wstępne oszacowanie wartości danej firmy. (fragment tekstu)

In the US small businesses to which rule of thumb multipliers apply are typically those with sales in a range of 100 000 and 3 million USD. The rule of thumb is developed by interpretation of actual market transactions reported by brokers and others involved. Sometimes valuation formulas are traditional rules of thumb used by a particular industry. A comparison of rule of thumb multiplier ranges helps the valuation analyst view how the market perceives relative risk of one industry compared with another. Although the use and composition of rale of thumb formulas may vary depending upon economic conditions or local differences in business customs, formulas provide a reasonably uniform national or regional guide. Formulas are relatively easy to use and make sense to both laymen and professionals. Nevertheless, values estimated by market formulas ought to be validated by other, more rigorous, methods. There are also certain cautions about using rale of thumb formulas: 1) formulas are general in nature; 2) there is no single, all-purpose formula; 3) not all businesses are saleable. (original abstract)
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  1. Desmond G., Handbook of Small Business Valuation Formulas and Rules of Thumb, Valuation Press, Los Angeles 1994.
  2. Gavzer K., Pricing a veterinary practice, "Journal of American Veterinary Medicine Association" 1990, October 1.
  3. Helfert E.A., Techniques of Financial Analysis, 6th edit. Irwin, Homewood 1987.
  4. Mastracchio N., How to Value a Professional Practice, "The Practical Accountant" 1985, December.
  5. Nielsen G.L., Hudson D.H., How to Value an Accounting Practice, "National Public Accountant" 1987, February.
  6. Pratt S.P., Reilly R.F., Schweihs R.P., Valuing Small Businesses & Professional Practices, Irwin Library of Investment and Finance, McGraw-Hill, New York 1998.
  7. Reilly R.F., Schweihs R.P., The Handbook of Advanced Business Valuation, Irwin Library of Investment and Finance, McGraw-Hill, New York 2000, s. 333.
  8. Zarzecki D., Metody wyceny przedsiębiorstw, Fundacja Rozwoju Rachunkowości w Polsce, Warszawa 1999.
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