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Czarnacka-Chrobot Beata (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie)
The Importance of Benchmarking Data to the Estimation of Software Development and Implementation with Customisation Projects
Roczniki Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych / Szkoła Główna Handlowa, 2007, nr 17, s. 315-336, tab., bibliog. 29 poz.
Tytuł własny numeru
Discovering patterns in economic data
Słowa kluczowe
Technologia informacyjna, Benchmarking, Systemy informatyczne
Information Technology (IT), Benchmarking, Computer system
Vast majority of software development and implementation with customisation projects fail to meet traditional criteria of the completion effectiveness. As indicated by the results of comprehensive analyses of the research organization Standish Group, having been carried out systematically from the mid 90s, success rate for projects of this type has never gone beyond 35%. It means that significant majority of such projects either end up with total failure: according to the latest research cancelled projects make up 19% of the total projects undertaken , or they exceed costs and/or time originally planned for their completion, in addition as a rule they are characterised by a low degree of meeting the requirements specified by a user: current studies show there are 46% of projects ending up with partial failure . According to the Standish Group estimates, losses resulting from investing means in such projects, not including the lost business opportunity costs for a user, constitute, depending on the year considered, 22% to 55% of the budget originally planned for completing software development and implementation with customisation projects (original abstract)
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  5. Czamacka-Chrobot B., Pomiar rozmiaru funkcjonalnego systemu informatycznego - sposób na " chaos permanens "? (Functional size measurement of the IT system - answer to the "chaos permanens "?), in: Współczesne kierunki rozwoju informatyki (Contemporary directions of IT development), P.W. Fuglewicz, B. Jackowski, E. Mizerska, A. Ostaszewska (eds), 20th Jesienne Spotkania PTI, Katowice-Mrągowo 2004, pp. 111-120.
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