- Autor
- Gorynia Marian (Poznań University of Economics, Poland), Jankowska Barbara (Poznań University of Economics, Poland), Owczarzak Radosław (Poznań University of Economics, Poland)
- Tytuł
- Clusters - an Attempt to Respond to the Globalisation Challenge? : the Case of Furniture Cluster in Wielkopolska
- Źródło
- The Poznań University of Economics Review, 2007, vol. 7, nr 2, s. 5-28, tab., bibliogr. 36 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Globalizacja, Koncepcja klastrów, Konkurencyjność, Współpraca, Rywalizacja
Globalization, Cluster conception, Competitiveness, Cooperation, Rivalry - Abstrakt
- The study starts with a review of possible channels of a cluster's influence on the competitiveness of companies-cluster members. Next, using the literature and the results of their empirical research, the authors describe Wielkopolska's furniture cluster. The research shows that co-operation is clearly underappreciated and perceived mainly as a competitive game strategy within the confines of industries. The companies under study are afraid to enter into co-operative relationships, especially with competitors. They do not see either the benefits accruing from co-operation with rivals or a connection between locally available resources and their competitive position. (original abstract)
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