BazEkon - Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie

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Wątroba Wiesław
Kompresja czasu i przestrzeni
Time - Space Compression
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu. Nauki Humanistyczne (6), 2001, nr 897, s. 257-264, bibliogr. 14 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Przestrzeń jako kategoria ekonomiczna, Czas w ekonomii
Space as an economic category, Time and economy
Omówiono problematykę wzajemnych powiązań pomiędzy czasem a przestrzenią.

We are simply no longer 'in' place to the same extent, insofar as communication and contact with others is no longer necessarily premised on physical contiguity. To that extent, to live next to others is not necessarily to be part of any effective community with them. The term 'time-space compression' encapsulates the ongoing multi-faceted transformation of the parameters of the human condition. The uses of time and space are sharply differentiated as well as divides as it unites - the causes of division being identical with those which promote the uniformity of the globe. Time-space compression attractions give the consumer the experience' of stepping across continents in seconds or shedding centuries in minutes. Speed-up of communication, transport, fashion cycles, commodity life-spans, and the associated shrinking of distances and spaces has radically affected the codes of transmission of social values and meanings. Time-space compression speeds up of global processes, so that the world feels smaller and distances shorter, so that events in one place impact immediately on people and places a very long distance away. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
  1. Bauman Z.: Globalization. The Human Consequences. Polity Press 1998.
  2. Bertmari S.: Hyperculture. The Human Cost of Speed. London: Praeger, Westport CT 1998.
  3. Dunn R.G.: Identity Crises, A Social Critique of Postmodernism. University of Minnesota Press 1998.
  4. Friedman J.: The Parameters of Modernity. W: Featherstone M., Lash S., Robertson R. (eds.): Global Modernities. Sage 1995, s. 69-90.
  5. Giddens A.: The Consequences of Modernity. Polity Press 1990.
  6. Hall S.: The Question of Cultural Identity. W: Hall S., Held D., McGrew T. (eds.): Modernity and Its Futures. Polity Press in Association with the Open University, Cambridge, Oxford 1992, s. 273-326.
  7. Harvey D.: The Condition of Postmodernity. An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change. Basil Blackwell 1989.
  8. Rojek Ch.: Ways of Escape. Modern Transformations in Leisure and Travel. Macmillan 1993.
  9. Morley D.: Postmodernism - The Highest Stage of Cultural Imperialism? W: Ferryman M. (ed.): Altered States. Postmodernism, Politics, Culture. Lawrence & Wishart 1994, s. 133-156.
  10. Poster M.: The Mode of Information. Poststructuralism and Social Context. The University of Chicago Press 1990.
  11. Ritzer G.: The McDonaldization of Society. An Investigation into the Changing Character of Contemporary Social Life. Newbury Park CA: Pine Forge Press 1993.
  12. Ritzer G.: Postmodern Social Theory. London: McGraw-Hill 1997.
  13. Jameson F.: Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. London: Verso 1983.
  14. Thompson K.: Social Pluralism and Post-Modernity. W: Hall S., Held D., McGrew T. (eds.): Modernity and Its Futures. Polity Press in Association with the Open University, Cambridge, Oxford 1992, s. 221-272.
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