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Lesiów Tomasz
Wpływ elektrostymulacji na wskaźniki oceny jakości i smakowitości mięśni wołów i buhajów : część 2 : wpływ elektrostymulacji na wskaźniki sensorycznej oceny smakowitości oraz siłę cięcia mięśni wołów
The Effects of Electrifical Stimulation on Quality Indicators and Palatability Attributes Of Muscles from Steers And Bulls : Part 2
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, 1992, nr 626, s. 21-37, tab., bibliogr. 44 poz.
Tytuł własny numeru
Słowa kluczowe
Mięso, Jakość mięsa, Badanie jakości mięsa, Mięso wołowe, Analiza sensoryczna
Meat, Meat quality, Meat quality tests, Beef meat, Sensory analysis
W części II skoncentrowano uwagę na wpływie pośmiertnej (p.m.) ES (elektrostymulacji) na wskaźniki Sensorycznej oceny smakowitości oraz siłę cięcia steków z mięśni wołów poddanych obróbce cieplnej. (fragment tekstu)

In the part II, on the basis of the current literature review, effects of the high and low voltage electrical stimulation (HV and LVES) on palatability attributes and shear force values of the steaks removed upon different muscles excision after hot or cold boning and/or aging treatment of the steers' carcasses/sides, were presented. The HVES improves majority of palatability attributes rating and/or decreases shear force values of steaks: a) LD excised . at 1 and 2 or 8 days or shorter period of aging, b) LD and PM hot boned in comparison with unstimulated and cold boned samples and c) eliminates shear force differences between hot boned and control-unstimulated and hot boned- -steaks LD and SM in spite of the aging time 1 or 6 days. Additionally, the HVES accelerates the post-mortem aging, but the aging time reduction and extent of ultimate tenderization appears to be affected by the inherent tenderness of the beef (meat from forage- or grain-finished steers). The LVES improves tenderness ratings and/or decreases shear force values of the steaks- removed from different muscles: a) LD, GM, SM, ST, BF, VL excised at 24 h from fast cooling sides suspended by the Achilles tendon, b) LD, SM, TB, PR, SV excised at 48 h from fast (exception SM and SV musckes) and slow (exception SM and TB muscles) cooling of carcasses additionally aging for 10 days. The combination of the ES and slow cooling produces earlier tenderness in some muscles than slow cooling alone. Tenderness of unstimulated samples at 10 . achieved in 7 days with the LVES (LD, PP, SV) and in 3 days with the HVES (LD, SM, PP). In spite of this some authors point out that if cooling rate is sufficiently slow as to not provoke shortening the LVES just as low frequency ES may retard the normal tenderising process. In the most cases ES has no effects on the sarcomere length and thaw, storage or cooking losses for steaks from different muscles. (original abstract)
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