- Autor
- Leszczyński Grzegorz (Poznań University of Economics, Poland), Zieliński Marek (Poznań University of Economics, Poland)
- Tytuł
- The impact of misaligned business communication on the quality of salesperson - buyer relationships
- Źródło
- The Poznań University of Economics Review, 2013, vol. 13, nr 2, s. 107-136, tab., bibliogr. 117 poz.0
- Słowa kluczowe
- Zachowania klientów, Komunikowanie, Relacje z klientami
Customer behaviour, Communication, Relationships with customers - Abstrakt
- Despite the important role of communication in the business-to-business sphere, little attention is given to it in publications. Research conducted so far focused on the level and scope of information exchange or marketing in general. However, an explanation to what degree communication, particularly taking into account buyer needs in communication, has an effect on buyer-salesperson relationships is absent. Therefore, this paper is based on the thesis that salesperson communication, at variance with buyer expectations, leads to deterioration of buyer's trust, satisfaction, commitment and willingness to recommend the salesperson. The paper defines elements of communication indispensable in maintaining relationships with specific parameters (trust, satisfaction, commitment and recommendation). It also indicates that the extent to which not adapting communication has an effect on the buyer-salesperson relationship does not depend on trust which buyers have in salespersons, compared to other sources of information. The effect of the paper is to indicate the areas of communication towards which a salesperson should direct their efforts and such areas, which, even if lacking conformity, do not have a negative effect on buyer-salesperson relationships.(original abstract)
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