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Pajor Anna (Cracow University of Economics, Poland)
VECM-TSV Models for Two Polish Official Exchange Rates
FindEcon Monograph Series : advances in financial market analysis, 2006, nr 2, s. 49-66, rys., tab., bibliogr. s. 66
Tytuł własny numeru
Financial markets : principles of modeling forecasting and decision-making
Słowa kluczowe
Model wektorowej korekty błędem, Procesy zmienności stochastycznej, Kurs walutowy, Wnioskowanie bayesowskie
Vector error correction model (VECM), Stochastic Volatility Processes, Exchange rates, Bayesian inference
Chapter 3 presents a modeling of EUR/USD PLN/USD and PLN/EUR exchange rates under cointegration and error correction in VAR-TSV model. It has been shown that EUR/USD exchange rate and ECM term have effects on the inference on the conditional variances and correlation coefficient. (fragment of text)
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Pełny tekst
  1. Aguilar O., West M. (2000), "Bayesian Dynamic Factor Models and Portfolio Allocation", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 18.
  2. Chib S., Nardari F., Shephard N. (2001), "Analysis of High Dimensional Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models", working paper, St. Luis: Washington University.
  3. Engle, R. F., Granger, C. W. J. (1987), "Co-Integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing", Econometrica, 55, 251-276.
  4. Gamerman D. (1997), Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference, London: Champan & Hall.
  5. Harvey A. C., Ruiz E., Shephard N. G. (1994), "Multivariate Stochastic Variance Model", Review of Economic Studies, 61.
  6. Jacquier E., Poison N., Rossi P. (1994), "Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models", (with discussion), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 12.
  7. Jacquier E., Poison N., Rossi P. (1999), "Stochastic Volatility: Univariate and Multivariate Extensions", Montreal: Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Analyse des Organisations; Cahiers Cirano.
  8. Nardari F., Scrugss J. T. (2003), "Analysis of Linear Factor Models with Multivariate Stochastic Volatility for Stock and Bond Returns, EFA Annual Conference Paper, 668. =423980.
  9. Osiewalski J., Pipień M. (2004), "Bayesian Comparison of Bivariate GARCH Processes. The Role of the Conditional Mean Specification", in: Welfe A. (ed.), New Directions in Macromodeling, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 173-196.
  10. Pajor A. (2003), Procesy zmienności stochastycznej w bayesowskiej analizie finansowych szeregów czasowych (Stochastic Volatility Processes in Bayesian Analysis of Financial Time Series), doctoral dissertation, Kraków: Akademia Ekonomiczna.
  11. Pajor A. (2005a), "Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Model and Portfolio Allocation", Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 192.
  12. Pajor A. (2005b), "Bayesian Comparison of Bivariate SV Models for Two Related Time Series", Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Oeconomica (forthcoming).
  13. Pitt M. K., Shephard N. (1999), "Time-Varying Covariances: A Factor Stochastic Volatility Approach", in: Bernardo J. M., Berger J. O., Dawid A. P., Smith A. F. M. (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  14. Tsay R. S. (2002), Analysis of Financial Time Series, New York: Wiley & Sons.
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