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Pipień Mateusz (Cracow University of Economics, Poland)
Application of Bayesian Inference in Value-at-Risk Forecasting with the Use of Conditionally Asymmetric and Fat-Tailed GARCH Models
FindEcon Monograph Series : advances in financial market analysis, 2006, nr 2, s. 67-80, rys., tab., bibliogr. s. 79-80
Tytuł własny numeru
Financial markets : principles of modeling forecasting and decision-making
Słowa kluczowe
Model GARCH, Miernik ryzyka (VaR), Wnioskowanie bayesowskie, Ryzyko rynkowe
GARCH model, VaR method, Bayesian inference, Market risk
Chapter 4 presents an application of the Bayesian inference in Value at Risk (VaR) prediction for PLN/USD exchange rate and the prediction of the minimal capital requirements for market risk. Using various testing procedures, the accuracy of the VaR estimates among models has been compared. In particular, it has been checked if the forecast quality of the capital charge for the market risk is sensitive to changes in sampling model. (fragment of text)
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Pełny tekst
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  16. Osiewalski J., Pipień M. (1999), "Bayesian Forecasting of Foreign Exchange Rates Using GARCH Models with Skewed-t Conditional Distributions", in: Welfe W. (ed.), Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, Łódź: Absolwent, 195-218.
  17. Osiewalski J., Pipień M. (2003), "Univariate GARCH Processes with Asymmetries and GARCH-In-Mean Effects: Bayesian Analysis and Direct Option Pricing", Przegląd Statystyczny, 50, 5-29.
  18. Pipień M. (2004a), "GARCH Processes with Skewed-i and Stable Conditional Distribution. Bayesian Analysis for PLN/USD Exchange Rate", Folia Oeconomica Cracoviensia, 45, 45-62.
  19. Pipień M. (2004b), "GARCH Processes with Skewed-i and Stable Conditional Distribution. Dynamic Bayesian Comparison for WIBOR Interest Rates", Proceedings of the 30th International Conference Macromodels'04, eds. Welfe A., Welfe W., Łódź, 125-138.
  20. Pipień M. (2005), "Value at Risk Estimates and Capital Requirements for Market Risk Obtained from GARCH Predictive Densities", Proceedings of the 31st Conference Macromodels' 04, Łódź.
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