BazEkon - Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie

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Jung Bohdan
Kapitalizm postmodernistyczny
The Post-Modernist Captalism
Ekonomista, 1997, nr 5-6, s. 715-735, bibliogr, s. 732-734
Słowa kluczowe
Analiza porównawcza systemów gospodarczych, Rozwój gospodarczy, Kapitalizm
Comparative analysis of economic systems, Economic development, Capitalism
summ., rez.
The consequence of the new phase of develompment of capitalism is the formation of a new world "centre", which is characterizes by a reflective consumption and accumulation, and includes both global and local character of production, promotion and competition. This centre is motivated by a different logic of development than it was up to the present. In its strategy of development, the role of the classical enterpreneurs. economists or technologists is relatively less important than that of producers of symbols, which is increasing in importance. Whereas the traditional capitalism (fordism) was developing through expansion and mass dissemination, the post-fordism stakes on intensification and innovation. Along with the change in development strategy it is the product itself which is subject to the evolution, while loosing its qualities of firmness and durability in favour of aestheticism. refined styling, miniaturization, portability, etc. Some theses of the post-modernist capitalism are of an extremal and iconoclastic nature: the others settle accurately hash of the vision of capitalism as formed in the 'fifties and 'sixties. In conditions of Poland, its programme relativism in creating the new economic and social reality is worth emphasizing.
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