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Wysokie ceny ropy naftowej - wpływ na gospodarkę UE i reakcja Komisji
Impact of High Oil Prices on the EU Economy and the Reaction of the Commission
Wspólnoty Europejskie, 2008, nr 4 (191), s. 15-24, tab., wykr.
Słowa kluczowe
Kryzys finansowy, Gospodarka, Ceny ropy naftowej, Produkcja ropy naftowej
Financial crisis, Economy, Oil prices, Oil production
Unia Europejska (UE)
European Union (EU)
Jeszcze w styczniu 1999 r., cena jednej baryłki ropy naftowej oscylowała wokół poziomu 10 USD, kiedy to kryzys finansowy w Azji w połączeniu z rosnącą produkcją ropy w Iraku zaowocował jej nadpodażą na rynkach światowych. Gwałtowne wzrosty między sierpniem a listopadem 2000 r. doprowadziły ceny do poziomu ok. 30 USD, który utrzymał się do 2003 r. Od tego momentu rozpoczął się trend wzrostowy cen ropy. W 2006 r. państwa OPEC zakomunikowały, że wzrost produkcji ropy będzie mniejszy niż planowano. W tym samym roku Stany Zjednoczone opublikowały informacje o spadku zapasów poniżej poziomu przewidywanego przez ekspertów. Te informacje oraz ataki na ropociągi w Meksyku wystarczyły, aby wywindować ceny wysoko, na niespotykany od dawna poziom. Na krótko, gdy nie pojawiły się nowe niepomyślne informacje, odnotowano lekką korektę cen. Eksperci przewidywali ich spadek i stabilizację. Okazało się, że było to prognozy nietrafione. Od początku 2007 r. wzrosty powróciły z nienotowaną dotychczas siłą. (fragment tekstu)

The article describes the developments of the oil price since late 1990s until August 2008 upon the Commission's Communication of 11 June 2008 entitled "Facing the challenge of higher oil prices" and analyses of the International Energy Agency and OPEC. It also takes into account historical quotations of oil prices. The article describes the fundamental and short-term factors influencing changes in oil price over time concluding that Europe is facing major structural changes in the world economy and the high oil prices are a result of these changes. Since high oil prices are expected to become a regular phenomenon, Europe has to concentrate its efforts on reducing its dependence on oil, starting with implementation of the Climate Package published in January 2008. The article describes possible impact of high oil prices on the EU economy. The discussed problems involve inflation, impact on the households and oil-related industries (i.e. fisheries, transport, chemical and car manufacturing industries). The problem of possible impact on developing countries is also briefly described. The article points out that the Commission should not meddle with the market forces in order to artificially force the oil price down. It should rather use the price signal to its own advantage continuing with implementation of coherent policy which would enable establishing C02 neutral economy in the future. This should naturally solve the problem of oil dependence and consequently the oil price. It also stresses that the Commission has a major role to play in educating the public about the reality of higher energy prices. In particular, the public should be aware that the energy prices should include all the environmental and social costs. As far as the Commission's initiatives are concerned aiming at mitigating the impact on high oil prices, the article stresses that the short-term actions should be designed exclusively at cushioning the impact the high prices of oil have on individual consumers and can not in any event meddle with internal market mechanisms. The tools the Commission is elaborating at the moment that should in the longer run help to decrease the dependence on fossil fuels are also touched upon. An emphasis is put on the Climate Package and the need to implement it as soon as possible. A number of other important policy initiatives are also briefly described including e.g. revision of the Eurovignette Directive and taxation rules as well as the fisheries sector restructuring. (original abstract)
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  1. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Facing the challenge of higher oil prices, COM/2008/0384 final, Brussels, 13.6.2008
  2. Word Energy Outlook 2007, Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii
  3. Word Oil Outlook 2008,
  4. Ch. Ebrahim-Zadeh: Back to Basics - Dutch Disease: Too much wealth managed unwisely; artykuł z kwartalnika Finance and Development; marzec 2003, tom 40, nr 1
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