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Chrobak Anna (Pedagogical University of Cracow), Cebulski Jarosław (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Landslides in the Polish Carpathians as the Potential Educational Geosites
Current Issues of Tourism Research, 2014, vol. 4, nr 1, s. 38-49, rys., tab., bibliogr. 25 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Geoturystyka, Osuwisko, Geologia, Turystyka, Turystyczne atrakcje
Geotourism, Landslide, Geology, Tourism, Tourist attraction
Karpaty (Polska)
Carpathian Mountains (Poland)
In the last two decades, tourists around the world have been showing an increasing interest in geological and geomorphological attractions. They travel to places, often quite distant, where they can observe rare natural phenomena, such as tectonic faults, volcanoes or massive landslides. The landslides in the Polish Carpathians of various sizes are quite frequent, occupying large areas of slopes and often causing damage to buildings and infrastructure. However, they are not that common that they would be unnoticed by local residents or unattractive to tourists from other regions. As educational geosites, landslides can serve an educational purpose. They represent illustrative sites with significant explanatory potential with respect to the mass movement processes, their causes and effects. The objective of this paper is to present six landslides in the Polish Carpathians as educational geosites. These landslides are assessed from the perspective of their potential use in geotourism. The results allow comparing the selected landslides in terms of their attractiveness and also in terms of their suitability for different forms of geotourism.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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