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Zemlickiene Vaida (Wileński Uniwersytet Techniczny im. Giedymina, Litwa), Podvezko Valentinas (Wileński Uniwersytet Techniczny im. Giedymina, Litwa), Ustinovicius Leonas (Wileński Uniwersytet Techniczny im. Giedymina, Litwa)
Ocenka kommierczeskogo potiencyała wysokich tiechnołogij
Evaluation of the commercial potential of high technologies
Ekonomia i Zarządzanie, 2014, nr 4, s. 54-71, rys., tab., bibliogr. 48 poz.
Economics and Management
Słowa kluczowe
Komercjalizacja technologii, Technologia, Nowe technologie, Polityka badawczo-rozwojowa
Commercialization of technology, Technology, High-tech, R&D policy
It is widely accepted that the primary value of technology in relation to business and the national economy consists in the ability to generate high added value. R&D institutions are in need of a decision-making mechanism basing on a particular set of goals that will help avoid unproductive investments in the technology commercialization process. In other words, they need a tool for the assessment of the commercial potential of technologies. Specific characteristics of high technologies has not been taken into account in the scientific literature so fat. Therefore, research on the assessment of the commercial potential of technologies should be regarded as relevant in contemporary management sciences. The aim of the paper is to determine - on the basis of experts' assessment - the significance of the factors influencing the commercial potential of high and traditional technologies. In order to achieve that goal the following research tasks have been formulated: (1) to determine the factors (and their constituents) influencing the commercial potential of technologies by applying the methods and models of critical comparative analysis; (2) to reveal the factors (and their constituents) determining the commercial potential of technologies through the analysis of the scientific literature on the high technologies marketing; (3) to conduct the expert study aiming at the gathering of information on the significance of the high and traditional technologies factors; (4) to evaluate the level of unanimity of experts' opinions using statistical methods, to calculate the weights of factors and the constituents thereof. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
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