- Autor
- Ârmusik Èdmund (Universitet imeni Ânki Kupaly v Grodno, Belarus)
- Tytuł
- Social'no-kul'turnoe partnerstvo organov vlasti grodnenskoj oblasti i religioznyh organizacij
Social-cultural partnership of the authorities and religious organizations of Grodno region - Źródło
- Ekonomia i Zarządzanie, 2014, nr 4, s. 196-205, bibliogr. 16 poz.
Economics and Management - Słowa kluczowe
- Religia, Związki wyznaniowe, Polityka wyznaniowa, Współpraca, Kościół katolicki, Kościół Prawosławny, Kontakty interkulturowe, Regulacje prawne
Religion, Religious association, Religious policy, Cooperation, Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Church, Intercultural contacts, Legal regulations - Uwagi
- summ.
- Kraj/Region
- Region Grodna, Białoruś
Grodno region, Belarus - Abstrakt
- This article focuses his on the historical, ethnic, political and social factors which have had impact on religious organisations and the current confessional situation in Grodno area. It is noted that in the contemporary religious expansion of Christian churches - Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestant - play an important role. The religiosity level of the population is high. According to the monitoring carried out in 2012 72.3% of respondents consider themselves believers while the national indicator is about 50%. There are 471 religious communities in Grodno area, 194 of them Orthodox, 176 Roman Catholic, 2 Greek Catholic, 4 Jewish, 8 Muslim, 85 Protestant, 1 Krsna consciousness. Religious situation is essentially determined by the ethnic composition of the district. According to the 2009 census Grodno area was inhabited by 1 072 381 people, 715 249 (66.7%) being Belarusian, 230 810 (21.5%) Poles, 87 451 (8.2%) Russians, 14 983 (1.4%) Ukrainians, 2 153 (0.2%) Lithuanians, 1 710 (0.2%) Tatars and 0,1% declaring other nationality. In Grodno area - in contrast to another regions of the Republic - national identity is closely identified with the religious affiliation (Poles with Catholicism, Belarusians, Russians with the Orthodox Church). As per the legislation of the Republic of Belarus about religious organizations local authorities elaborate a system of relations with churches of various confessions. The article defines the directions and forms of this cooperation and describes the educational, charitable and religious dimensions of the religious bodies. Authorities also help with the renovation of the sacral buildings confiscated during the Soviet period and offer services in conducting events of the religious character. The whole system of cooperation of the authorities and religious organizations aims at catering for the spiritual needs of the people and at fostering the involvement of clergy and laity in society and culture. (original abstract)
- Dostępne w
- Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu - Pełny tekst
- Pokaż
- Bibliografia
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- Cytowane przez
- 2080-9646
- Język
- rus
- http://dx.doi.org/10.12846/j.em.2014.04.15