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Okrasa Włodzimierz (Central Statistical Office of Poland; Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland), Witek Beata (Central Statistical Office of Poland; Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland)
Statistics as a Profession - Statistician as an Occupation : Observations and Comments From a Panel of Experts
Statistics in Transition, 2013, vol. 14, nr 2, s. 319-328
Słowa kluczowe
Statystyka, Nauka, Nauczanie
Statistics, Science, Teaching
Statisticians rarely devote as much attention to their profession as it does deserve, including such fundamental questions as what actually constitutes statistics today - as a discipline in relation to others, primarily to mathematics and observation-based sciences (theoretically or applied oriented), on one side, and in researching and teaching, on the other. Especially, given its inherent dynamics and externally caused transition to new stages of its permanent development, and what is their - statisticians' - own view of their occupational status, including who actually should unambiguously be considered statistician. And how s/he ought to be prepared through education and training system to play this important role in various domains - in academia and policy making, as well as in private life and business management. Therefore, any occasion to exchange views on such dual aspects (disciplinary and occupational status) among experts during scientific meetings seems to be worth of reporting. One of such meeting took recently place at the conference on Methods of Assessment of Quality of Teaching held in the University of Lodz last June (see note on it in this issue below) during which a discussion panel was organized to address some of the above issues. As the panel's organizers, we feel deeply indebted to all its participants for sharing their thoughts and opinions: Prof. Prof. Czeslaw Domanski, Jozef Dziechciarz, Miroslaw Krzysko, Marek Rocki, and Janusz Wywial. As a part of our appreciation of their generosity and of the quality of the panel's output, their voices are summarized here, extended a bit by introductory and concluding remarks, while taking into account the voices of the highly competent audience, composed of academic teachers and researchers. (fragment of text)
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