- Autor
- Turóciová Martina
- Tytuł
- Spoločenská zodpovednosť firiem v globalizovanom svete
Corporate Social Responsibility in Today´s Globalized World - Źródło
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2010, nr 5 (2), s. 93-103, bibliogr. 11 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies - Słowa kluczowe
- Społeczna odpowiedzialność, Globalizacja
Social Responsibility, Globalization - Uwagi
- summ.
- Abstrakt
- This report deals with the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. At the beginning there is a part dedicated to explanation of this concept and its different definitions that differ from author to author. First, it is essential to understand the real meaning of the concept and all the areas that it covers. Nowadays, when the world gets globalized many international companies are coming to our countries. Such companies have more or less a very good system of inner business politics in which the concept of CSR is undoubted constituent. Under the pressure that arises with the arrival of international companies, national or local companies start with implementing of CSR within their business policy as well. There are many reasons why companies decide for the CSR. The companies and their activities have impact on the surrounding world. The aim of the firm accepting CSR should be not to cause damage to the society and environment. There should be a sort of control upon the companies and their activities so they do not cause any harm to people, animals or environment. The companies have an impact on their stakeholders as well as the stakeholders have the ability to influence the existence of the firms, though not to such extent. Corporate Social responsibility is a concept that focuses on the responsible behaviour of companies towards everybody who is being impacted by the company´s activities. The concept can be realized on three levels and these are: economic, social and environmental. The firm applies all of the levels in its business. CSR does not neglect the primary aim of business that is to profit. However, during trying to profit, the company behaves responsibly towards stakeholders. Within the Corporate Social Responsibility we focus on ethics and moral responsibility, responsibilities and virtues in economic decision-making and acting.It is crucial to determine what business means for us. There is a sort of invisible line that we should be aware of and should not cross. It is important not to overestimate the "value" of money and do not put it higher than the value of the person´s life. The role of the person is not to be in service of money but vice versa. The article deals with the concept of sustainable development in connection with business and CSR. The aim of this concept is to emphasize the importance of doing business in a way that is not harmful to people, animals and environment. Except the environmental sustainability there is also an economic and social sustainability that we can talk about with respect to the concept of CSR.(original abstract)
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- Bibliografia
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