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Cehelník Marián
Antropologická téma v sociálnej filozofii kritického racionalizmu
Anthropological Theme in Social Philosophy of Critical Rationalism
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2008, nr 1 (1), s. 37-48, bibliogr. 31 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Racjonalizm, Antropologia, Filozofia
Rationalism, Anthropology, Philosophy
Popper Karl Raimund
The work is dealing with the analysis of K. R. Popper´s philosophical concepcion of critical rationalism. Popper´s anthropological concepcion can be viewed against the background of two fundamental areas: 1. General methodological and epistemological issues; 2. Sociophilosophical and political issues. Rather than being viewed as a narrow epistemological standpoint, critical rationalism is conceived of as an approach to life and attitude to life with its specific ethical foundation resulting from a moral choise. Popper´s anthropological conception is a rational conception of survival, based on the idea of criticism.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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  31. Príspevok vznikol ako súčasť riešenia grantového projektu VEGA: "Reformulácie antropologickej otázky v súčasnej filozofii", č. 1/3607/06
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