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Gluchman Vasil
Non-Utilitarian Consequentialism: A History of the Last Decades
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2008, nr 1 (1), s. 55-72
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Etyka, Historia filozofii, Moralność
Ethics, History of philosophy, Morality
The growing importance of the non-utilitarian consequentialism since the early 1980s stems from renewed efforts to respond to the criticism of traditional utilitarian and consequentialist utilitarianism.1 Despite the fact that non-utilitarian consequentialism started almost 20 years ago, it cannot be considered as fully established ethical theory. One of the essential reasons for this that non-utilitarian consequentialism is rejected by some utilitarians who hold that consequentialism is utilitarianism and any attempt to develop a non-utilitarian consequentialist theory should be considered outside consequentialism.(fragment of text)
Pełny tekst
  1. Gluchman, V., 'Etika utilitarizmu a neutilitaristický konzekvencializmus' [Utilitarian Ethics and Non-Utilitarian Consequentialism], Filosofický casopis 44 (1996), 1, pp. 123-132.
  2. Gluchman, V., Human Being and Morality in Ethics of Social Consequences, Lewiston, Edwin Mellen Press 2003;
  3. Gluchman, V., Etika konzekvencializmu [Ethics of Consequentialism], Prešov, Manacon 1995;
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  5. Gluchman, V., 'Humanity and Moral Rights', Paideia: Philosophy Educating Humanity. Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Bowling Green, Philosophy Documentation Center 1998, p. 81;
  6. Gluchman, V., 'Teoria spravneho v etike socialnych dosledkov' [The Theory of Right in the Ethics of Social Consequences], Filosoficky casopis 49 (2001), 4, pp. 633-654;
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  9. Benn, P., Ethics, Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press 1998;
  10. Hampshire, S., 'Morality and Pessimism', S. Hamsphire (ed.), Public and Private Morality, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1978, pp. 1-22;
  11. Nagel, T., 'War and Massacre', S. Scheffler (ed.), Consequentialism and its Critics, Oxford, Oxford University Press 1988, pp. 51-73;
  12. Stubbs, A., 'The Pros and Cons of Consequentialism', Philosophy 56 (1981), 218, pp. 497-516;
  13. Williams, B., 'A Critique of Utilitarianism', J.J.C. Smart-B. Williams, Utilitarianism: For and Against, Cambridge, University Press 1973, pp. 77-150
  14. Douglas, Ch., John Stuart Mill: A Study of his Philosophy, Bristol, Thoemmes Press 1994 (reprint edition of 1895, pp. 1-2.
  15. M. Baron-P. Pettit-M. Slote, Three Methods of Ethics, Oxford, Blackwell 1997, p. 148
  16. Pettit, P., 'Slote on Consequentialism', Philosophical Quarterly 36 (1986), 144, p. 402.
  17. Pettit, P., 'The Consequentialist Perspective', p. 167
  18. Griffin, J., 'The Human Good and the Ambitions of Consequentialism', Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (1992), 2, p. 126
  19. Pettit, P., 'Introduction', P. Pettit (ed.), Consequentialism, Aldershot-Brookfield, Dartmount 1993, p. xiii
  20. Caws, P., Minimal Consequentialism, Philosophy 70 (1995), p. 316
  21. M. Baron-P. Pettit-M. Slote, Three Methods of Ethics, Oxford, Blackwell 1997, p. 254.
  22. Pettit, P., 'Consequentialism and Respect for Persons', Ethics 100 (1989), 1, pp. 116-126;
  23. Pettit, P., 'Freedom as Antipower', Ethics 106 (1996), pp. 576-604;
  24. Pettit, P., 'Love and Its Place in Moral Discourse', Lamb, R. E. (ed.), Love Analyzed, Boulder, Westview Press 1997, pp. 153-163;
  25. Pettit, P., 'The Consequentialist Can Recognise Rights', The Philosophical Quarterly 38 (1988), 150, pp. 42-55;
  26. Pettit, P., 'The Cunning of Trust', Philosophy & Public Affairs 24 (1995), 3, pp. 202-225.
  27. Pettit, P., 'Reply to Baron and Slote', p. 264.
  28. Pettit, P., 'Rights, Constraints and Trumps', Analysis 47 (1987), 1, pp. 13-14.
  29. Gewirth, A., 'Are There any Absolute Rights?', Philosophical Quarterly 31 (1981), 122, pp. 1-16;
  30. Lomasky, L. E., 'Gewirth's Generation of Rights', Philosophical Quarterly 31 (1981), 124, pp. 248-253;
  31. Machan, T. R., 'Human Rights Reaffirmed', Philosophy 69 (1994), 4, pp. 479-490;
  32. Meyers, D. T., 'Human Rights in Pre- Affluent Societies', Philosophical Quarterly 31 (1981), 123, pp. 139-144;
  33. Nagel, T., 'Personal Rights and Public Space', Philosophy & Public Affairs 24 (1995), 2, pp. 83-107;
  34. Nickel, J.W., 'Are Human Rights Utopian?', Philosophy & Public Affairs 11 (1982), 3, pp. 246-264;
  35. Schauer, F., 'Can Rights be Abused?', Philosophical Quarterly 31 (1981), 124, pp. 225-230.
  36. Pettit, P.-Brennan, G., 'Restrictive Consequentialism', P. Pettit (ed.), Consequentialism, Aldershot-Brookfield, Dartmount 1993, pp. 125-142.
  37. Pettit, P., 'Consequentialism', P. Singer (ed.), A Companion to Ethics, Cambridge, Basil Blackwell 1991, p. 231.
  38. Sen, A., On Ethics & Economics, Oxford-Cambridge, Blackwell 1992, p. 49.
  39. Sen, A., 'Well-Being, Agency and Freedom', The Journal of Philosophy 82 (1985), 4, pp. 203-204.
  40. Sen, A., 'Rights and Agency', Philosophy & Public Affairs 11 (1982), 1, pp. 3-39 (cited according to version published in S. Scheffler (ed.), Consequentialism and its Critics, Oxford, Oxford University Press 1988, pp. 187-223).
  41. Sen, A., 'Justice: Means versus Freedoms', Philosophy & Public Affairs 19 (1990), 2, p. 112.
  42. Pettit, P., 'Consequentialism and Moral Psychology', International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2 (1994), 1, p. 1
  43. Kant, I., 'The Metaphysical Principles of Virtue', I. Kant, Ethical Philosophy, Indianapolis-Cambridge, Hackett 1983, p. 93;
  44. Kant, I., 'On a Supposed Right to Lie Because of a Philanthropic Concerns', I. Kant, Ethical Philosophy, Indianapolis-Cambridge, Hackett 1983, pp. 162-166.
  45. Sen, A., Resources, Values and Development, Oxford, Basil Blackwell 1984, p. 308;
  46. Sen, A., 'Rights and Agency', S. Scheffler (ed.), Consequentialism and its Critics, Oxford, Oxford University Press 1988, p. 213.
  47. Regan, D., 'Against Evaluator Relativity: A Response to Sen', Philosophy & Public Affairs 12 (1983), 2, pp. 93- 112.
  48. Slote, M., Beyond Optimizing: A Study of Rational Choice, Cambridge-London, Harvard University Press 1989, p. 29.
  49. Slote, M., 'Satisficing Consequentialism', P. Pettit (ed.), Consequentialism, Aldershot-Brookfield, Dartmount 1993, p. 370.
  50. Slote, M., Common-Sense Morality and Consequentialism, London-Boston, Routledge & Kegan Paul 1985, p. 101.
  51. Jackson, F., 'Decision-Theoretic Consequentialism and the Nearest and Dearest Objection', Ethics 101 (1991), 3, pp. 461-482.
  52. Simpson, J.A.-Weiner, E.S.C. (eds.), The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford, Clarendon Press 1989, 2nd edition, vol. 14, p. 504.
  53. Slote, M., From Morality to Virtue; Slote, M., Virtue Ethics, pp. 175-238.
  54. Swanton, Ch., 'Satisficing and Virtue', Journal of Philosophy 90 (1993), 1, p. 35
  55. . Griffin, J., Well-Being: Its Meaning, Measurement, and Moral Importance, Oxford, Clarendon Press 1986, pp. 355-356;
  56. Carlson, E., Consequentialism Reconsidered, Dordrecht, Kluwer 1995, pp. 14-19;
  57. Schmidtz, D., Rational Choice and Moral Agency, Princeton, Princeton University Press 1995, pp. 28-54;
  58. Hurka, T., 'Two Kinds of Satisficing', Philosophical Studies 59 (1990), pp. 107-111;
  59. Mulgan, T., 'Slote's Satisficing Consequentialism', Ratio 6 (1993) 2, pp. 121-134;
  60. Cummiskey, D., Kantian Consequentialism, New York-Oxford, Oxford University Press 1996, p. 102.
  61. Sen, A., 'Evaluator Relativity and Consequential Evaluation', Philosophy & Public Affairs 12 (1983), 2, pp. 131- 132.
  62. Hill, T.E., Jr., 'Kant on Responsibility for Consequences', Jahr Recht Ethik 2 (1994), pp. 159-176;
  63. Reath, A., 'Agency and the Imputation of Consequences in Kant's Ethics', Jahr Recht Ethik 2 (1994), pp. 259-281
  64. Herissone-Kelly, P., 'Bioethics, Rights-Based Consequentialism, and Social Reality', Matti Häyry, Tuija Takala, and Peter Herissone-Kelly (eds.), Bioethics and Social Reality, Amsterdam - New York, Rodopi 2005, pp. 161-171;
  65. Gluchman, V., 'Miesto humannosti v etike socialnych dosledkov' [The Position of Humanity in the Ethics of Social Consequences], Filozofia 2005, 60(8), pp. 613-623,
  66. Mulgan, T., Future People: A Moderate Consequentialist Account of our Obligations to Future Generations, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2006, etc.
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