- Autor
- Gluchman Vasil
- Tytuł
- Non-Utilitarian Consequentialism: A History of the Last Decades
- Źródło
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2008, nr 1 (1), s. 55-72
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies - Słowa kluczowe
- Etyka, Historia filozofii, Moralność
Ethics, History of philosophy, Morality - Uwagi
- summ
- Abstrakt
- The growing importance of the non-utilitarian consequentialism since the early 1980s stems from renewed efforts to respond to the criticism of traditional utilitarian and consequentialist utilitarianism.1 Despite the fact that non-utilitarian consequentialism started almost 20 years ago, it cannot be considered as fully established ethical theory. One of the essential reasons for this that non-utilitarian consequentialism is rejected by some utilitarians who hold that consequentialism is utilitarianism and any attempt to develop a non-utilitarian consequentialist theory should be considered outside consequentialism.(fragment of text)
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- Bibliografia
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