- Autor
- Štefanková Simona, Madliak Jozef
- Tytuł
- Slovenská trestnoprávna úprava zmenšenej príčetnosti
Slovak Criminal Regulation of Reduced Sanity - Źródło
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2010, nr 5 (2), s. 483-488
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies - Słowa kluczowe
- Prawo, Prawo karne
Law, Criminal Law - Uwagi
- summ.
- Kraj/Region
- Republika Słowacka
Slovak Republic - Abstrakt
- Subject of recodification of Slovak criminal law was institute of reduced sanity. In this report author analysis special provisions, which concern with this institute. Reduce sanity influences choice of sanction instruments with aim of security purpose of punishment. Court has duty to take account on fact of existence reduced sanity. In this issue, it is necessary to observe nature of mental illness or possible presence of habit forming substance. Asset of new legal regulation is unification of legal provisions of abandonment of punishment. Certain defect is absence of legal definition of reduced sanity(original abstract)
- Pełny tekst
- Pokaż
- Bibliografia
- Šamal, P., Pury, F., Rizman, S., Trestni zakon, Komentař, I.dil (§ 1 až § 90), 6. doplněne a přepracovane vydani, Praha: C.H.Beck, 2004, s. 273
- Kallab, J.: Trestni pravo hmotne. Praha: Melantrich, 1935, s. 44
- Matys, K. a kol.: Trestny zakon, komentar, Bratislava, Obzor, 1978, s.173
- Kratochvil, V. a kol.: Trestni pravo hmotne, Obecna čast, 3. vydani. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006, s. 228
- Cytowane przez
- 1898-8431
- Język
- slo