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Stolárik Stanislav
Sila kresťanstva. Teologické a filozofické úvahy
The Strength of Christianity Theological and Philosophical Reflections
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2011, nr 6 (1), s. 11-28
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Teologia, Religia, Filozofia
Theology, Religion, Philosophy
If you think about the mission of the Christian message in today's world, and wonders about the impact of Christ's teaching on human community, perhaps toeven worry about not enter the ground trasovitý uncertainty, since it seems that the ideas that already 2000 years the Church proclaims, as if losing to thepersuasiveness and the ability to reach out and take. World, but also part of thatthrough the ages were considered Christian, now odtínajú from its historical roots.We are not the only ones who run considerations in this direction, but doing so wesuccumbed to skepticism. This is also shows the efforts of responsible search fornatural ways that create supernatural fore contact with a human being. Definitely be accepted "modified face of the earth", hardly comparable with previous periods. Although even at this point would be appropriate to historicalrecourse in a few centuries back, that we met with the fact that multikulturálnosťmultireligióznosť and in certain locations, not just "discovery" 20 and 21 century. Itis true that this very diversity is often shifted to one side, and diversity has become a monolithic society and often confessional and national.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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