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Mihina František
Kant vo filozofických štúdiách Ch. S. Peircea
Kant in the Reflections of Ch. S. Peirce
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2008, nr 1 (1), s. 81-94, bibliogr. 19 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Filozofia, Logika
Philosophy, Logic
Kant Immanuel, Peirce Charles Sanders
What is of central importance in Kant´s thought is the idea that sensory experience is permeated with the order. Idealism to which Kant refers is subjective. It holds that the world is constituted by an order which is mental in character but which is quite independent of the human mind. For Peirce, but not only for him, pragmatism is not a philosophical weltanschauung or metaphysics of truth and reality - rather it is a method of rendering ideas clear and distinct and ascertaining the meaning of words and concepts. Pragmatism is form of the monumental revolt against cartesianism - in this sense this project was influenced by congenial intellectual predecessors - namely by the I. Kant and his critical philosophy. Pragmatism accepts the hypothesis of the noetic pluralism, which is not strictly derivated from the kantian thought. Anyway, pragmatic noetic theory striktly defends hypothesis of noetic pluralism as a fundament for shaping of the conception of the world, which is different, when we compare its in different people. According to Peirce (and others pragmatists) among the German philosophers Kant especially seemed to him to have "possessed in a high degree all seven of the mental qualifications of a philosopher: to ability to discern what is before one´s conciousness; inventive originality; generalizing power; subtlety; critical severity and sense of fact; systematic procedure; energy, diligence, persistency and exclusive devotion to philosophy".(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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  14. Husserl, E.: Krize evropských věd a transcendentální fenomenologie. ACADEMIA. Filosofická knihovna. Praha 1972.
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