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Hugáňová Andrea (STORM in Nitra), Pavelová Ľuba (Comenius Univerzity in Bratislava)
Rodinné poradenstvo pre rodiny s alkoholovou závislosťou vo vzťahu k časovému faktoru
Family Counseling for Families with Alcohol Dependence in Relation to the Time Factor
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2012, nr 9 (2), s. 129-140, bibliogr. 17 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Słowa kluczowe
System pomocy rodzinnej, Alkoholizm, Przemoc w rodzinie, Doradztwo, Pomoc społeczna, Uzależnienie
Family assistance system, Alcoholism, Violence in the family, Consultancy, Social assistance, Addiction
Republika Słowacka
Slovak Republic
The presented contribution deals with the issue of alcohol dependence in a modern day family from a viewpoint of family counseling. The methodology of family counseling related to recovery process of a family member addicted to alcohol is considered a major problem. A primary research goal was to clarify the status and changes of family counseling in the recovery process with regard to time factor. This goal emerges especially from the lack of clarity and non-systematic nature of family counseling in Slovakia. The main method was a semi-structured interview. Interviews with family counseling and/or alcohol dependence experts were analyzed by means of interpretative content analysis. Interviews with family members were subjected to a phenomenological data analysis. Analysis results were transparently presented by the author in the tables of common topics reflecting subjectively perceived status of family counseling in Slovakia. The author can, among other things, state that the methodology of family counseling in Slovakia does not exist and unification of these methods is not expressly desirable from the experts' point of view. She also points to a number of weaknesses of family counseling which need to be solved in a system way. Interpretation of experts' results is complemented by the counseling experience of families themselves, where always one member was addicted to alcohol. The time factor is at the same time important especially in the three years of family counseling which is marked by the occurrence of most life changes. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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