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Kakalej Martin (Katolicka Univerzita v Ružomberku, Slovakia)
Manželské záväzky ako program a cesta pre šťastné manželstvo
Marital Commitment as a Way to Program a Happy Marriage
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2012, nr 9 (2), s. 141-153, bibliogr. 24 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Małżeństwo, Wartości i normy etyczne, Kościół katolicki, Moralność
Marriage, Value and ethical norms, Roman Catholic Church, Morality
The love communion between God and men takes on a significant statement in marriage between a man and a woman. God favored them with the same personal dignity and enriched them with inalienable rights and obligations which are so typical for the human being. However we are nowadays a witness of crisis of the sacramental marriage. The man is frightened to commit for his whole life. He is exposed to a big pressure of consumerism, to a hidden dictatorship of thinking injected through the media as well as to negative examples of famous people from cultural and social life whose live dissolute lives. What was once abnormal is becoming a template of behavior of a modern man. The need of every period, in order to raise healthy future generations, is to have a happy marriage which doesn't mean without problems because it doesn't exist. We are talking about marriage where man and woman fulfill their roles of husband and wife, father and mother in love in spite of everything. Therefore in this post I would like to dig in deeper into the essence of marriage commitments which are the best program and path to a happy marriage. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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  15. Kodex Kanonickeho Prava. Trnava : SSV, 2001. 937 s. ISBN 80 - 7162 - 227 - 3.
  16. Ludicke, K. Die Nichtigerklarung der Ehe. Essen: Ludgerus Verlag, 2012. 260 s. ISBN 13: 978-3-87497-275-8.
  17. Ludicke, K. Munsterischer Kommentar zum Kodex iuris canonici unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Rechtslage in Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweitz. 5 Bander. Essen: Ludgerus, 1999. ISSN 0932-8327
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  20. Pustet, F. Handbuch des katholischen Kirchenrechts. Regensburg : Verlag Fridrich Pustet, 1999, 1250 s.ISBN 3-7917-1664-6.
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  23. Ruiz, S. Suhlas v kanonickom manželskom prave. In Ius et iustitia. Spišska Kapitula- Spišske Podhradie : Kňazsky seminar biskupa Jana Vojtaššaka, 2000. s. 33-46. ISBN 80-7142-098-0.
  24. Svate Pismo. Trnava : SSV, 2002. 2624 s. ISBN 878-2584-25-6.
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