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Nekrasaite-Liege Vilma (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania)
Some Applications of Panel Data Models in Small Area Estimation
Statistics in Transition, 2011, vol. 12, nr 2, s. 265-280, tab., bibliogr. 16 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Modele panelowe, Statystyka małych obszarów, Dane panelowe, Estymatory
Panel model, Small area estimates, Panel data, Estimators
Materiały z The Third Baltic-Nordic Conference on Survey Statistics
This study uses a real population from Statistics Lithuania to investigate the performance of different types of estimation strategies. The estimation strategy is a combination of sampling design and estimation design. The sampling designs include equal probability design (SRS) and unequal probability designs (stratified SRS and model-based sampling designs). Design-based direct Horvitz-Thompson, indirect model-assisted GREG estimator and indirect model-based estimator are used to estimate the totals in small area estimation. The underlying panel-type models (linear fixed-effects type or linear random-effects type) are examined in both stages of estimation strategies: sample design and construction of estimators. (original abstract)
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Pełny tekst
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