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Machaj Łukasz (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Is the United States Supreme Court an Undemocratic Institution? an Outsider's Perspective
Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics, 2011, vol. 1, nr 2, s. 13-25
Słowa kluczowe
Demokracja, Konstytucja, Orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego
Democracy, Constitution, Supreme Court jurisdiction
The United States Supreme Court has often been accused of engaging in judicial activism, of subverting legislatures' will and of undermining the basic principles of the democratic system. This article maintains that such charges are generally unfounded. The author claims that the Supreme Court's detractors ignore five fundamental issues. First, they misunderstand the very nature and basic rules of a constitutional democracy. Second, they tend to ignore the role played by constitutions in general and the American Constitution in particular in social reality, effectively forgetting the reasons for the latter's hallowed place in the United States national psyche. Third, they ignore the presence of political factors (and even partisan calculations) in the process of appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. Fourth, they misconceive the realities of the process of legal reasoning and of constitutional interpretation. Fifth, they underestimate or even fail to recognize the influence of public opinion on the basic trends of judicial decision-making. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Bernard Schwartz, The Supreme Court: Constitutional Revolution in Retrospect (Ronald Press 1957) 13-14.
  2. Charles deSecondat, The Spirit of Laws (Batoche Books 2001) 180.
  3. Robert H Bork, The Tempting of America: Political Seduction of the Law (Free Press 1990).
  4. Robert H Bork id., Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and the American Decline (Regan Books 1996).
  5. Lino A Graglia, Constitutional Law Without the Constitution: The Supreme Court's Remaking of America in Robert H Bork (ed), A Country I Do Not Recognize: the Legal Assault on American Values (Hoover Institution Press 2005) 1-5.
  6. accessed on 15.02.2010.
  7. Jamin B Raskin, Overruling Democracy: the Supreme Court vs. the American People (Routledge 2003) 2-11.
  8. William P Marshall, Conservatives and the Seven Sins of Judicial Activism (2002) 73 "University of Colorado Law Review" 1217 (footnote 3).
  9. Wojciech Sadurski, Spór o ostatnie słowo: sądownictwo konstytucyjne a demokracja przedstawicielska (1998) 2 Civitas: Studia z Filozofii Polityki 96.
  10. Alexander M Bickel, The Least Dangerous Branch: the Supreme Court at the Bar of Politics (Bobbs-Merrill 1962) 16.
  11. United States v Eichman (1990) 496 US 310, 319.
  12. Texas v Johnson (1989) 491 U S 397.
  13. Jeremy A Waldron, Right-based Critique of Constitutional Rights (1993) 13 "Oxford Journal of Legal Studies" 44.
  14. Robert J Lipkin, Constitutional Revolutions: Pragmatism and the Role of Judicial Review in American Constitutionalism (Duke University Press 2000) 232.
  15. Dominique Rousseau, The Constitutional Judge: Master or Slave of the Constitution? In Michel Rosenfeld (ed), Constitutionalism, Identity, Difference, and Legitimacy (Duke University Press 1994) 276.
  16. Jean Blondel, Comparing Political Systems (Praeger Publishers 1972) 171.
  17. Martin H Redish, The Constitution as Political Structure (Oxford University Press 1995) 3-4.
  18. Leonard W Levy, Legacy of Suppression: Freedom of Speech and Press in Early American History (Belknap Press 1960).
  19. Robert H Bork, Neutral Principles and Some First Amendment Problems (1971) 47 "Indiana Law Journal" 20.
  20. Norman Vieira, Leonard Gross, Supreme Court Appointments: Judge Bork and the Politicization of Senate Confirmations (Southern Illinois University Press 1998) 247.
  21. State of Missouri v Holland (1920) 252 US 416, 433.
  22. Richard A Posner, How Judges Think (Harvard University Press 2008) 104.
  23. Frederick Schauer, An Essay on Constitutional Language (1982) 29 "UCLA Law Review" 828.
  24. Spence v Washington (1974) 418 US 405, 411.
  25. Lochner v People of State of New York (1905) 198 US 45.
  26. Chaplinsky v State of New Hampshire (1942) 315 US 568.
  27. Beauharnais v Illinois (1952) 343 US 250.
  28. Cohen v California (1971) 403 US 15.
  29. Nebbia v New York (1934) 291 US 502.
  30. Trop v Dulles (1958) 356 US 86, 100-101.
  31. Wickard v Filburn (1942) 317 US 111.
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