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Slivka Daniel (Prešovská univerzita v Prešove)
Filozofická hermeneutika H. G. Gadamera a skúsenosť hermeneutiky náboženstva
Arts Hermeneutics H. G. Gadamer Hermeneutics and Religious Experience
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2011, nr 7 (2), s. 61-69, bibliogr. 15 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Gadamer Hans-Georg
Heidegger thus attempted to give a hermeneutic circle base that would besomething more than just epistemology. His hermeneutics becomes a realontology, which prohibits return to epistemological issues. It is this aporia has become the central problem of philosophical hermeneutics H. G. Gadamer (1900-2002). First introduced to the scientific problem of consciousness essay of 1958,where he developed features of hermeneutical ontology. The essay can be foundin his greatest work, published in 1960 Wahrheit und Methode (Truth andmethod.) The author confirms her ontological universality of understanding, alsocalled the hermeneutic universalism. It follows that understanding as well as theoriginal ontological character of every human life. Hermeneutics is the basicaspects of existence, that it creates in the finiteness and historicity, which make up the sum of his experiences in the world. These aspects make the process ofunderstanding something as universal and constitutive. Another aspect ofGadamer is very important as it relates to historical tradition. "Man is a projectlike this confirmed by Heidegger, but it is brought from the past and is tied is a tradition. Gadamer, in controversy with rehabilitating Enlightenment hermeneutictradition of fertility. Understanding can not be seen as an action organization,rather than the vivid integration into the historical process of transmission in whichpast and present continuously synthesized. "Gadamer explains, so that manexists as a historical phenomenon that it is determined.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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  4. GADAMER, H., G.: Wahrheit und Methode, Tubingen 1960, 1972.
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  11. LEŠČINSKY, J.: Biblicka hermeneutika a katolicke teologicke myslenie. In: Cirkev v česke a slovenske historii. Olomouc : Společnost pro dialog Cirkve a Statu, 2004.
  12. OEMING, M.: Uvod do biblicke hermeneutiky. Praha : Vyšehrad, 2001.
  13. PAREYSON, L.: Verita e l´interpretazione, Mursia Milano, 1971.
  14. PAPEŽSKA BIBLICKA KOMISIA: Interpretacia Biblie v Cirkvi, 1993, Spišska kapitula - Spišske Podhradie : Kňazsky seminar biskupa J. Vojtaššaka, 1995.
  15. RICOEUR, P.: Ukol Hermeneutiky. Praha : Filozoficky ustav AV ČR, 2004
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