- Autor
- Bugri Štefan (Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, Slovakia), Pribišová E. (Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, Slovakia), Žák S. (Paneurópska vysoká škola Bratislava, Slovakia)
- Tytuł
- Pomer minimálnej mesačnej mzdy a priemernej mesačnej mzdy v Slovenskej republiky a ich vývoj
The Ratio of Minimal Monthly Wages and Average Monthly Wages in Slovakia and Theirs Development - Źródło
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2011, nr 7 (2), s. 241-252, tab., wykr., bibliogr. 9 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies - Słowa kluczowe
- Płaca minimalna, Zasoby ludzkie, Jakość życia, Rynek pracy
Minimum wage, Human resources, Quality of life, Labour market - Uwagi
- summ.
- Abstrakt
- Every year, since 2000 in Slovakia the new limit of minimal wage is established. The validity of the changes of minimal wage is starting yearly on October, 1. Appropriate government enforcement establishes minimal hourly and monthly wage. Minimal wage for every finished hour is established for employees whose agreed work week is 40 hours. The development of minimal wage in Slovakia is recording since 2000 continuing rise. The body: The ordinary life of Slovak Republic citizens is becoming more and more dependent on their ability to be successful on job market as an employee or businessperson, but also from the overall health condition of citizens, from the social - political situation in country, but also from the civilization context which is given mainly by development of science and technology. Faster than in any other period, the lifestyle changes of citizens occur, the changes are done mainly in the individual life strategies, dramatically the life quality is changed. On the life quality has the biggest influence the affluence of financial means for individuals and household. With this, there is the connection of the need to have employment, work for higher wage than the minimal and from the played salary normally pay the insurance fees and taxes. With regard to high rate of unemployment in Slovakia approximately 5 per cent of citizens works for minimal wage. It also starts to be certainty that minimal wage is not only played for work with regards of difficulties and sufficient professional training and education but also for the work which belongs to the more demanding. When comparing the minimal wage with the average wage in national economy it is visible that minimal wage is not high as 40 per cent from the amount of average monthly wage which has negative impact on life quality of employed citizens of Slovakia. It is right if in the country the amount of minimal wage defined? Would not it be convenient to establish the minimal wage according the regions and optimized it to average wage? It is totally necessary from the reason that the amount of minimal wage is not enough for employed citizens in the full range to cover basic life needs. The average wages, minimal wages but also the costs of work in Slovakia are lower mainly when comparing to the other EU countries. According the recommendations of EU the minimal wages should be at least 60 per cent of average nominal monthly wage of economics. Low level of wages means not only the lowering of the quality of citizens life's but also lowering of motivation to find a job, loosing of interest of getting higher qualification and leaving of young people with higher education abroad. The present day problem in the area of wages should getting along of market demands on the graduate students which has its part also by failing personal policy of employers.(original abstract)
- Pełny tekst
- Pokaż
- Bibliografia
- Samuelson, P.A. - Nordhaus, W.D.: Ekonomia. II. diel. Bratislava. Bradlo. 1992. ISBN 80-7127-031-8
- Kreidl, M.: Kvalita a udržitelnost života. Praha. 2001.
- Zakon NR SR č. 663/2007 Z. z. o minimalnej mzde
- Zakon NR SR č. 311/2001 Z. z., ktorym sa meni a vykonava Zakonnik prace
- www.iz.sk
- www.statistics.sk
- www.upsvar.sk
- www.employment.gov.sk
- Inštitut finančnej politiky MF SR
- Cytowane przez
- 1898-8431
- Język
- slo