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Maturkanič Patrik (VŠSZ, EVC Praha, Czech Republik)
Profil osobowy Franciszka kardynała Tomaska Prymasa czeskiego i świadectwo jego życia w 20 lat po śmierci (4.8.1992)
A Profile of the Personality of Cardinal Frantisek Tomasek Czech Primate and the Testimony of his life 20 Years after his Death
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2011, nr 7 (2), s. 409-428, bibliogr. 17 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Kościół katolicki
Roman Catholic Church
Tomášek František, Jan Paweł II
This article by a Slovak theologian who has lived in the Czech Republic for twenty years provides a wide public with a profile of the personality of Cardinal František Tomášek, the Czech Primate, who died twenty years ago. The study is divided into three main chapters, which are intended to give the public a comprehensive picture of a man, who clearly influenced the running of the Catholic Church over several decades, but also society in former Czechoslovakia. The first chapter outlines a brief chronology of the teacher - arch (bishop) - cardinal, acquainting the reader with a distinguished man, a European personality, which is exactly what the unforgettable František Tomášek was. The middle chapter focusses on the significant, decisive and influential moments for the spiritual father of the nation, which were crucial for the establishment of the freedom of the whole of Czechoslovakia and in which we can recognize the pinnacle of the archbishop's life. The third and last chapter outlines the specific personality traits of the Czech Cardinal, based on his exceptionality which is worth following.(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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