BazEkon - Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie

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Bolčáková Andrea (Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra), Gašparíková Veronika (Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra), Nagyová Ľudmila (Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra)
Efficiency of TV Advertising Spots Promoting Non-alcoholic Drink Kofola
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie. Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2012, nr 7 (56), s. 5-19, rys., tab., bibliogr. 15 poz.
Scientific Journals Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. European Policies, Finance and Marketing
Słowa kluczowe
Psychologia reklamy, Reklama telewizyjna, Efektywność reklamy
Psychology of advertising, Television advertising, Advertising efficiency
In this contribution psychological appeals of TV advertisement spots of Kofola were evaluated. Into the consideration four ad spots were taken: "Nude beach", "Simply, she is not made from sugar", "Love is no science" and "Right Slovak Christmas with Kofola". Individual appeals were evaluated using data gathered from questionnaire survey made in the select district. In generally, respondents perceive commercials positively, there are just some differences between opinions of men and women as well as between young and older people. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. BOUČKOVÁ Jana a kol. 2003. Marketing. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2003. 432 s. ISBN 80-7179-577-1.
  2. DE PELSMACKER Patrick. 2003. Marketingová komunikace. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2003. 600 s. ISBN 80-247-0254-1.
  3. DONTHU N. - HERSHBERGER, E. K. - OSMONBEKOV, T. 2005. Benchmarking marketing productivity using data envelopment analysis. In: Journal of Business Research, vol. 58, 2005, s. 1474-1482.
  4. DUDINSKÁ Elvíra a kol. 2000. Základy marketingu. Bratislava: EKONÓM, 2000. 199 s. ISBN 80-22512-22-2.
  5. FARRELL M.J. 1957. The measurement of productive efficiency. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Vol.120, Part 3, s.253-290.
  6. FÄRE R. a kol. 2004. Advertising efficiency and the choice of media mix: a case of beer. In: International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 22, 2004, s. 503-522.
  7. FÄRE R. a kol. 1994. Productivity growth, technical progress, and efficiency changes in industrial countries. In: American Economic review, Vol.84, s. 66-83.
  8. HANULÁKOVÁ Eva. 1996. Etika v marketingu. Bratislava: EUROUNION, 1996. 123 s. ISBN 80-85568-56-X.
  9. KOTLER Philip - ARMSTRONG, Gary. 2003. Marketing. 6. vydanie. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2003. 864 s. ISBN 80-247-0513-3.
  10. NÍZKA Helena. 2007. Aplikovaný marketing. Bratislava: Iura Edition, 2007. 198 s. ISBN 978-80-8078-157-6.
  11. ŠTARCHOŇ Peter. 2004. Vademecum reklamy: Vybrané teoretické aspekty. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2004. 122 s. ISBN 80-223-2012-9.
  15. 1st CLASS AGENCY. Kofola s novým vianočným prasiatkom. [online] Publikované: 09. 11. 2010 [citované: 10. 02. 2011] Dostupné z: .
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