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Vlăduţescu Ştefan, Teodorescu Mirela
Communicative Action, Deliberative and Restorative Justice - A Review
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2015, vol. 2 (1), s. 167-173, bibliogr. 29 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Recenzja, Sprawiedliwość społeczna, Mediacje, Komunikowanie, Sprawiedliwość naprawcza, Filozofia społeczna
Review, Social justice, Mediation, Communication, Restorative justice, Social philosophy
Communicative Action, Deliberative and Restorative Justice - Socio-juridical perspective on mediational averment" by Antonio Sandu and Elena Unguru, published by TRITONIC in 2014, is a high level transdisciplinary lesson about transactional justice, restorative justice and deliberative alternative to classical (retributive and distributive). Antonio Sandu is Professor at the University "Ştefan cel Mare" from Suceava, and researcher at the Centre for Socio-Human Research Lumen in Iasi (Romania). The main interest of the author include ethics, bioethics, social assistance, social philosophy. He is the author of five books in Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics, more than 8 articles in scientific journals indexed by Thomson Reuters and over 20 other scientific articles. Elena Unguru is researcher in the fields of law, social work, sociology, communication, appreciative inquiry in Socio-Human Research Center Lumen from Iasi- Romania. We are led, naturally and professionally, on the sinuously road from conflict to communication also denoted by the establishment of the public sphere as social reality born of meeting and acceptance of the otherness, of individuality asserting in public space, postulating the universality of human nature as human rights. Starting from the Habermas' idea of communication power as a form of expression in contemporary society, the author believes that communicative action codes a power strategy based on consensus. Power is soft, seductive, and inter-mediate linguistic and cultural relations. The chosen theme by the authors analyze the communication mediation model based on the values of social justice, equity and charity, assuming an exercise of the integration of the otherness, of perceiving the other as partner. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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  9. J. H. Gasderell, International Letters of Social and Humanistic Science 22 (2014) 85-91.
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  14. J. Habermas (1987). Theory of Communicative Action. Volume 2, Boston: Beacon Press.
  15. Andrzej Borowski, International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 14 (2014) 7-17.
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  18. O. M. Cuichi, A. Sandu, Revista de cercetare şi intervenţie socială 30 (2010) 53-62.
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  25. A. Borowski, International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 27 (2014) 100-110.
  26. A. Sandu, E. Unguru, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 82 (2013) 386-391.
  27. A. Borowski, International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 4 (2013) 70-74.
  28. J. Habermas (1998). Sfera publică şi transformarea ei structurală. Studiul unei categorii a societăţii burgheze. Bucureşti: Editura Univers.
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