- Autor
- Radu Sorin Mihai (University of Petroşani, Romania), Iliaş Nicolae (University of Petroşani, Romania), Mija Eduard (Hunedoara Energetic Complex, Petrosani, Romania)
- Tytuł
- The Effective Points of View of Hunedoara Energetic Complex
- Źródło
- International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2014, vol. 18, s. 58-69, bibliogr. 54 poz.
- Słowa kluczowe
- Energia, Energia cieplna, Energia w gospodarce
Energy, Thermal energy, Energy in the economy - Uwagi
- summ.
- Abstrakt
- The future of coal mining in Jiu Valley is acutely conditioned by a multitude of factors, arising from the interference of force lines of different decision centres, the effects of which - often cumulative or even antagonistic - may lead to irreparable consequences. The failure to take into account the totality of all the economic, social-geographic, technogenic and anthropogenic aspects have not allowed until now the outline of realistic and viable scenarios which may cut the Gordian knot of the multilevel challenge which this socio-industrial complex faces, scenarios which shall be the basis of a coherent and consequent strategy, challenges which unsolved may produce irreversible and dramatic effects for the future of the area as well as that of the national economy. The paper intend to offer - at least as a methodological approach - an assessment based on the scenarios of benefits and losses which the national economy may record by ignoring or not taking into a fair account of the proportion of the role of this industrial complex for Romania's energetic future. (original abstract)
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- 2300-2697
- Język
- eng