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Vlăduţescu Ştefan (University of Craiova, Romania)
Accenting of the Negative Journalism in Economic Crisis Periods
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2014, vol. 18, s. 80-89, bibliogr. 67 poz.
Słowa kluczowe
Postawy pracowników, Prawo pracy, Demokracja przemysłowa
Employee conducts, Labour law, Industrial democracy
The study joins the law and deontological axis of the journalistic communication and it theorizes the phenomenology of grimness's direct and indirect impact on the journalistic discourse. The assumptions of the starting hypothesis are the following: because of austerity, a lot of changes have occurred in terms of opinions, behavior and attitudes; consequently, these changes occur in the journalistic field, as well as in the media's relationship with the audience. This thesis proves that under economic crisis, under the pressure of lack of money, media operators' negative-persuasive behavior increases. In order to prove this, we appeal to psychological, logical, comparative and argumentative methods. Thus, it is obvious that austerity decreases the audience's availability for media's rational argumentation (persuasion) and increases its sensitivity to journalistic negative emotional, persuasive arguments. Under these conditions, in journalistic communication the media exploits this excess of emotional sensitivity by providing even more persuasive motivations and arguments. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
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