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Gulášová Ivica (St. Elizabeth University College of Public Health and Social Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia), Breza Ján (Kramáre University Hospital, Bratislava, Slovakia), Breza, Jr. Ján (Kramáre University Hospital, Bratislava, Slovakia), Görnerová Lenka (Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava, Czech Republic)
Communication with Depressive Patient
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2013, nr 11 (2), s. 77-89, bibliogr. 10 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Psychologia, Choroby, Personel medyczny, Leczenie, Komunikowanie
Psychology, Illness, Medical staff, Medical treatment, Communication
Republika Słowacka
Slovak Republic
One of the most common causes of disability of Slovak people is mental illness. According to psychologists, this trend lasts for several years and the situation is not improving. The cause is mainly lifestyle. In the entire World are suffering from depression over 110 million men and women. It is the most common psychological disorder. Numbers of depressed patients increase by 3% every year. Depression affects many people of working age, regardless of their social and economic status. Up to 15% of people suffering from depression attempt suicide and only 25% seek out professional psychiatric help. This disease belongs to the man as well as an appendix. Depression is not just an ordinary grief that gnaws at the soul of man. In the care of the mentally ill has the nurse in communicating a very important place. Skills of nurses should be at a level such that she understands the patient, supports him, could effectively intervene at any time and, if necessary, be close to patient. It is primarily she who spends most of his time with the patient. (original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Hanzlíková, A. et al. 2004. Komunitné ošetrovateľstvo [Community nursing]. Martin, Osveta, 2004.
  2. Heretik, A. 1993. Základy forenznej psychológie [Basics of foren-sic psychology]. Bratislava, SPN. 1993.
  3. Janosiková, E.H., Daviesová, J.L. 1999. Psychiatrická ošetrovateľská starostlivosť [Psychiatric nursing care]. Martin, Osveta. 1999.
  4. Kind, H. 1997. Psychiatrické vyšetrenie [Psychiatric examination]. Trenčín, Vydavateľstvo F. 1997.
  5. Křivohlavý, J. 1994. Jak zvládat stres [How to manage stress]. Praha, Grada, Avicenum. 1994.
  6. Lavely, S. 1998. Léčivá sila spánku [The healing power of sleep]. Praha, Knižní klub Svojka a Vašut. 1998.
  7. Linhartová, M. 2007. Praktická komunikace v medicíně [Practical communication in medicine]. Praha, Grada, 2007.
  8. Riaf, W., Hiller, W. 2002. Somatizačná porucha a hypochondria [Somatic disorder and hypochondria]. Trenčín, Vydavateľstvo F, 2002.
  9. Schmidbauer, W. 1994. Psychologie - lexikon základních pojmu [Psychology - lexicon of basic terms]. Praha, Naše vojsko. 1994.
  10. Vycínová, M., Langová, M. 2011. Vybrané kapitoly z psychologie [Selected Topics in Psychology]. Český Těšín, Československý spisovatel, 2011.
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