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Podgórska Maria
Koniunktura w budownictwie : I kwartał 2015
Business Activity in Costruction Industry : 1st Qarter of 2015
Koniunktura w budownictwie. Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH, 2015, nr 86, wykr., rys.
Słowa kluczowe
Sektor prywatny, Sektor publiczny, Zatrudnienie, Budownictwo
Private sector, Public sector, Employment, Construction
streszcz., summ.
In Q1 2015 the business indicator for construction stands at -19.5 pts, which is slightly more (by 0.5 pt) than in the previous quarter. Usually the 1st quarter is a slow season in construction which is reflected in a deterioration of assessments. In this context the current result can be viewed as relatively favorable. Assessment of business situation depends on the ownership status as the indicator for state-owned firms is by 14 pts higher than that for private firms. Moreover, compared to the previous quarter the state-owned firms report an improvement, whereas private firms report a worsening of business situation. Except for municipal firms, the business indicator for all cross sections is negative. A long-run trend for construction has not been affected by the current results and it stays at a virtually constant level since early 2014. (fragment of text)
Dostępne w
Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
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