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Wronka Jerzy (Uniwersytet Szczeciński)
Korytarze transportowe w świetle nowych koncepcji komisji europejskiej
Transport Corridors in the Light of New Concept of European Commission
Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług, 2010, nr 49, s. 241-250
Tytuł własny numeru
Europa Bałtycka Przeszłość, Teraźniejszość,Nowe Wyzwania XXV Sejmik Morski
Słowa kluczowe
Korytarz transportowy, Transport
Transport coridor, Transport
Koncepcja korytarzy transportowych została uznana przez Wspólnoty Europejskie za efektywne podejście metodologiczne i jednocześnie praktyczny instrument w planowaniu rozwoju europejskiej sieci i połączeń transportowych łączących poszczególne europejskie regiony. Korytarz transportowy jest to ciąg infrastruktury transportowej międzynarodowego znaczenia, wzdłuż której przebiegają co najmniej dwie różne drogi transportowe o odpowiednich parametrach techniczno-eksploatacyjnych, z rozmieszczonymi na nich węzłami transportowymi (terminale intermodalne, porty morskie, centra logistyczne).(fragment tekstu)

Th e concept of transport corridors is considered by European Commission as a eff ective methodological approach and practical instrument, to be used in planning the European transport network development, which connects and integrates the European regions. Transport corridor consists of international infrastructure of two, at least, transport modes with high technical standards and parameters, covering transport routes and nodes. By exploiting economies of scale, corridors off er unique technical and economic opportunities that make it attractive to optimally use the various modes of transport in a seamless door to door services, making use of well designed terminals. Th e last policy initiatives of European Commission are focused on eff ective and sustainable freight transport development over Europe and include i.a.: Freight Logistics Action Plan and Communication on a freight-oriented rail network. A freight-oriented rail network will be created on the base of existing Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) and 6 railway corridors for implementation of the European Railway Transport Management System (ERTMS). "Th e lorries use the motorways and the freight trains should have theirs transport corridors" - the new idea of European Commission. In December 2008 Commission adopted the proposal for a Regulation concerning a European rail network for competitive freight, which establishes the framework for creation of international railway corridors. Th e Logistics Action Plan introduces the notion of "green corridors", i.e. freight transport corridors that are characterised by low impacts on the human and environment. Rail and waterborne transport modes are the essential components of these green corridors. Taking into account the expected economic and foreign trade growth between Scandinavian and Central-East European countries there is promising potential for development of transport connections on the international transport corridors connecting Baltic and Adriatic regions. Development of transport infrastructure is precondition for taking favour of growing potential demand for transport services off ered by Central European Transport Corridor (CETC) and growth its competitiveness against "German" Baltic-Adriatic transport corridor. Th erefore there is and urgent need to include the CETC corridor into the European Green Transport Corridors followed by Polish government proposal submitted to European Commission(author's abstract)
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