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Sadowski Zdzisław (Polska Akademia Nauk)
Refleksje o roli państwa w gospodarce
A Few Thoughts on the Role of the State in Economy
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio H. Oeconomia, 2004, vol. 38, s. 15-24
Słowa kluczowe
Państwo, Gospodarka, Rola państwa w gospodarce
State, Economy, States' role in economy
Czy państwo powinno mieszać się do gospodarki, a jeżeli tak, to w jakim zakresie I w jaki sposób? Pytanie to przynosi bardzo różne odpowiedzi, z reguły silnie zabarwione przez subiektywne światopoglądy. Nie może być inaczej w kwestiach, dla których właściwe są ostateczne rozstrzygnięcia normatywne. Można jednak podjąć próbę zobiektywizowania odpowiedzi przez odwołanie się do natury ewolucji historycznej, jakiej podlegała i podlega gospodarka rynkowa. (fragment tekstu)

The article is devoted to the discussion on the changing role of the state in economy, as market economy becomes mature and passes to the subsequent phases of the developing capitalism. The presence of the state in economy generally does not cause any reservations, because of certain phenomena and threats that occur in the specific periods of history. As time passes they intensify and do not undergo the regulation of market mechanisms. The scope and manner of the state's presence in economy becomes the subject of discussion. They depend on the stage of market economy evolution. The role of the state is limited to guaranteeing safety and justice to the society. However, the interpretation of these generally defined tasks is very different in the subsequent periods of history, i.e. starting from economic liberalism in the 18th century to the contemporary market economy, called post-capitalism. Irrespectively of the scope and manner of the state's presence in economy, it should be based on the principle of cooperation and not replacement. The article finishes with conclusions for Poland in the period of systemic transformation and after joining the European community. (original abstract)
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  1. Galbraith John K., Godne społeczeństwo. Program troski o ludzkośc, PTE/Bellona, Warszawa 1999.
  2. Peter F. Drucker, Post-Capitalist Society, Harper Business 1993.
  3. Porter M.E., The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Macmillan, London 1990.
  4. Próba teorii koniunktury, Instytut Badania Koniunktur Gospodarczych i Cen, Warszawa 1933.
  5. Soros G., The Crisis of Global Capitalism, Public Affairs, New York 1998.
  6. Społeczna gospodarka rynkowa, pod red. E. Mączyńska, P. Pysza, PTE/Bellona, Warszawa 2003.
  7. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Macmillan & Co., London 1936.
  8. Thurow Lester C., The Future of Capitalism, W. Morrow & Co., New York 1995.
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