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Budnikas Germanas (University of Bialystok)
Computerised Recommendations on E-Transaction Finalisation by Means of Machine Learning
Statistics in Transition, 2015, vol. 16, nr 2, s. 309-322, rys., tab., biblogr. s. 321-322
Słowa kluczowe
Zachowania informacyjne, Użytkownicy internetu, Sztuczne sieci neuronowe (SSN), Transakcje wirtualne, Uczenie maszynowe
Information behaviours, Internet users, Artificial neural networks (ANN), Virtual transaction, Machine learning
Materiały z konferencji Multivariate Statistical Analysis 2014, Łódź.
Nowadays a vast majority of businesses are supported or executed online. Website-to-user interaction is extremely important and user browsing activity on a website is becoming important to analyse. This paper is devoted to the research on user online behaviour and making computerised advices. Several problems and their solutions are discussed: to know user behaviour online pattern with respect to business objectives and estimate a possible highest impact on user online activity. The approach suggested in the paper uses the following techniques: Business Process Modelling for formalisation of user online activity; Google Analytics tracking code function for gathering statistical data about user online activities; Nawe Bayes classifier and a feedforward neural network for a classification of online patterns of user behaviour as well as for an estimation of a website component that has the highest impact on a fulfilment of business objective by a user and which will be advised to be looked at. The technique is illustrated by an example. (original abstract)
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Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie
Biblioteka SGH im. Profesora Andrzeja Grodka
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Pełny tekst
  1. ANGELETOU, S., ROWE, M., ALANI, H., (2011). Modelling and Analysis of User Behaviour in Online Communities. The Semantic Web - ISWC 2011 (pp. 35-50). Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7031.
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  3. CLIFTON, B., (2012). Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics (3rd Edition ed.). Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons.
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  7. NIKIFORAKIS, N., ACAR, G., SAELINGER, D., (2014). Browse at your own risk. Spectrum, IEEE, 51(8), 30-35.
  8. ROBINSON, D. J. B. V., (2008). Online Behavioural Analysis and Modeling Methodology (OBAMM). Social Computing, Behavioural Modeling, and Prediction, 100-109.
  9. RUSSELL, S. A., (2010). Artificial Intelligence: International Version: A Modern Approach (3 ed.). Pearson.
  10. WHITE, R. W., CHU, W., HASSAN, A., HE, X., SONG, Y., WANG, H., (2013). Enhancing personalized search by mining and modeling task behavior. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 1411-1420). ACM.
  11. XIAN, X., CHEN, F., WANG, J., (2014). An Insight into Campus Network User Behavior Analysis Decision System. (pp. 537-540). Taichung: IEEE.
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