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Kmec Miroslav (VŠMP ISM Slovakia v Prešove)
Адаптация воспринимателей социальных услуг к жизни в учреждении социального обслуживания
Perceivers Adapting social services to the life in the institution of social service
Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne, 2015, nr 4, s. 89-98, bibliogr.9 poz.
Society and Education. International Humanist Studies
Słowa kluczowe
Nauki społeczne, Polityka socjalna, Usługi społeczne niematerialne
Social sciences, Social policy, Non-material social services
Social service agencies are an important factor in a person's life, which is based on changes in health status, insufficient to meet their needs or other difficult life circumstances is forced to use them. It turns caring for allowing a decent live his life.But not every recipient of social services to be able to accept this fact and often its adaptive capacity is not enough to ensure that the situation in the resettlement agency was tolerable for him. Then he was forced to accept the help and service professionals, including social workers, help perceivers social services using appropriate methods, techniques, methods to overcome this period without any negative consequences(original abstract)
Pełny tekst
  1. Hegyi, L. Súčasné možnosti sociálnej geriatrie. In. Geriatria. 2003. s. 98 - 99
  2. Křivohlavý, J. Jak zvládat stres. Praha: Avicenum, 1994. s. 41. ISBN 8071691216
  3. Hartl, P. Hartlová, H. Psychologický slovník. Praha: Portál 2000. s.16. ISBN 80-7178-303-X
  4. Hegyi,L. Zlyhanie adaptácie v staršom veku. Bratislava: Asklepois, 1993.s 54. ISBN 80-7167-004-9
  5. Bartošovič, I. Seniori v domove dôchodcov. Bratislava: Charitas, 2006. s.160. ISBN 808874363X
  6. Čornaničová, R. Edukácia seniorov. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo UK. 1998. s. 48. ISBN 80-223-1206-1VAITL, D. Lebensqualität und Alter. Internist 32, 1991 s.441
  7. Selye, H. Život a stres. Bratislava: Obzor 1966. s. 454. ISSN II. 158020
  8. Balogová, B. Seniori. Prešov: Akcent Print, 2005.s. 42. ISBN 80-969274-9-3
  9. Pacovský, V. O stárnutí a stáří. Praha: Avicenum, 1990 s. 136. ISBN 8020- 100768
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